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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
240 occurrences of e
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240 occurrences of e
[Clear Hits]


Jurgis Baltrušaitis, “Pierres imagées,” Aberrations, quatre
essais sur la légende des formes
(Paris, 1957). Ernst Gom-
brich, Art and Illusion (New York, 1960). H. W. Janson,
“After Betsy, What?”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 15
(1959), 68ff.; idem, “The 'Image Made by Chance' in Ren-
aissance Thought,” De Artibus Opuscula XL, Essays in
Honor of Erwin Panofsky
(New York, 1961), pp. 254-66.
Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz, Die Legende vom Künstler (Vi-
enna, 1934). Heinz Ladendorf, “Zur Frage der künstler-
ischen Phantasie,” Mouseion, Studien... für Otto Förster
(Cologne, 1960), pp. 21-35. John Plummer, The Hours of
Catherine of Cleves
(New York and London, 1966). Patrik
Reuterswärd, “Sinn und Nebensinn bei Dürer,” Gestalt und
Wirklichkeit, Festgabe für Ferdinand Weinhandl
1967), pp. 411-36. Karl Schefold, “Zur Frage der künstler-
ischen Phantasie,” Antike Kunst, 4, No. 2 (1961), 79. S.
Shimada, “Concerning the I-p'in Style of Painting—I,”
Oriental Art, n.s. 7, No. 2 (1961), 3-11. Osvald Siren, Chinese
3 vols. (New York, 1956), I, 216.


[See also Chance; China; Fortune, Fate, and Chance; Ge-
Iconography; Mimesis; Virtù;.]