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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
[Clear Hits]


Robert Boyle, Works, ed. Thomas Birch, 6 vols. (London,
1772). R. B. Braithwaite, “Teleological Explanations,” Proc.
Aristotelian Soc.
N. S., 47 (1947), i-xxi. Enrico de Angelis,
La critica del finalismo nella cultura cartesiana. Contributi
per una ricerca
(Firenze, 1967). W. Heitler, Der Mensch und
die naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis
(Braunschweig, 1962).
Paul Janet, Les causes finales (Paris, 1876). G. W. Leibniz,
Monadology, in Leibniz Selections, ed. P. P. Wiener (New
York, 1951). Ernest Nagel, The Structure of Science (New
York, 1961), pp. 401-28. R. B. Perry, “A Behavioristic View
of Purpose,” Journal of Philosophy, 18, 4 (Feb. 1921),
85-105. B. Spinoza, Ethics & The Improvement of the Under-
ed. James Gutmann, trans. William H. White
(New York, 1953). E. C. Tolman, Purposive Behavior in
Animals and Men
(New York and London, 1932).


[See also Causation; Free Will; God; Nature; Progress; Right
and Good.]