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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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For main developments in Greek thought, see J. I. Beare,
Greek Theories of Elementary Cognition (Oxford, 1906). See
also Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers, Loeb
Classical Library (London and New York, 1925), esp. VII,
52-53; R. Hackforth, Plato's Phaedrus (Cambridge, 1952),
p. 86; Joseph Owens, The Doctrine of Being in the Aristote-
lian Metaphysics,
2nd ed. (Toronto, 1963); W. D. Ross,
Aristotle's Prior and Posterior Analytics (Oxford, 1949), p.

For Alexander of Aphrodisias, see his De anima (Berlin,
1887), pp. 107, 34. Boethius is found in In Isagogen Por-
phyrii Commenta, Corpus Scriptorem Ecclesiasticorum Lati-
Vol. XLVIII (Vienna, 1906), 135-69; also Quomodo
substantiae in eo quod sint bonae sint cum non sint substan-
tialia bona
(London, 1928), pp. 44-45; and in De Trinitate
(London, 1928), Q5, a. 3.

The sources for medieval figures include: Abelard, Logica
ed. B. Geyer, Beiträge zur Geschichte der
Philosophie des Mittelalters,
Band XXI (Münster in W.,
1921), Heft L, 25; and P. Abelardi opera hactenus inedita,
ed. V. Cousin (Paris, 1849; Vol. II, 1859), II, 733-45; Al-
Ghazali, Algazal's Metaphysics, ed. J. T. Muckle (Toronto,
1933), Part II (IV, 5), pp. 174ff.; and Tahafut Al-Falasifah
(Destruction of the Philosophers), trans. S. A. Kameli
(Lahore, 1958), pp. 218-20; Averroës, Tahafut, trans. S. van
der Bergh (London, 1954), pp. 345-55; Avicenna, Psychol-
trans. F. Rahman (Oxford, 1952), p. 40, also De anima
(Venice, 1508), I, 1 and V, 5; Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in
metaphysicorum libros
(Lyon, 1639), VII, q. 18, also Opus
(Lyon, 1639), and Sentences (Lyon, 1639); John
of Salisbury, Metalogicon (Berkeley, 1955), II, Ch. 20; Mai-
monides, The Guide of the Perplexed, trans. Shlomo Pines
(Chicago, 1963), Part I, Ch. 68, pp. 163-64; J. R. O'Donnell,
ed., Nine Medieval Thinkers (Toronto, 1955), p. 191, is the
source for Richard of Campsall. For Saint Thomas Aquinas,
Summa contra gentiles, the standard Latin text is edited
by Leonina Manvalis (Rome, 1946), and an English transla-
tion is that by Anton Pegis et al. (Garden City, N.Y.,
1955-56); for Summa theologica, the standard Latin text is
edited by M. E. Marietti (Turin, 1952), and an English
version is Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, ed. Anton
Pegis (New York, 1945). See also Beatrice H. Zedler, ed.,
Averroës Destructio destructionum (Milwaukee, 1961), pp.

Since the Renaissance, principal sources include I. A.
Aaron, John Locke (Oxford, 1937), pp. 194-200; A. Arnauld,
La Logique, ou l'art de penser, 5th ed. (Paris, 1683), Part
I, Ch. 5; René Descartes, Letter to P. Mesland, 2 May 1644,
Principles of Philosophy, ed. Charles Adam and Paul Tan-
nery, 12 vols. (Paris, 1897-1913; 1964), I, 63 and VIII, 31.
See also Replies to First Objections, ed. Charles Adam and
Paul Tannery (Paris, 1964), VII, 120, and Quartae objec-
in the Haldane and Ross translation (Cambridge,
1912), II, 82; John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Under-
(London, 1690), Book III, Ch. 3, para. 6. I. A;
Immanuel Kant, Werke, ed. E. Cassirer, 11 vols. (Berlin,
1912-22), VII, 400-01; idem, Kritik der reinen Vernunft
(Leipzig, 1924), A, 1781, B, 1787; H. Scholz and H.
Schweitzer, Die sogenannte Definitionen durch Abstraktion
(Leipzig, 1935).


[See also Analogy; Axiomatization; Experimental Science;
Islamic Conception; Number; Optics and Vision; Organi-
cism; Platonism; Rationality.]