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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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There are standard editions of major authors and the
following selected works are also helpful.

Primitive Period. Henri Frankfort, Mrs. Henri Frankfort,
John A. Wilson, and Thorkild Jacobsen, Before Philosophy
(Harmondsworth, 1949). Hans Kelsen, Society and Nature
(Chicago, 1943). R. B. Onians, The Origins of European
(Cambridge, 1951).

The Greeks and Romans. Cyril Bailey, The Greek Atomists
and Epicurus
(Oxford, 1928). F. M. Cornford, Plato's Cos-
(London, 1937). Diels-Kranz, Die Fragmente der
5th ed. (Berlin, 1951-54). S. Sambursky, Phys-
ics of the Stoics
(London, 1959). F. Solmsen, Aristotle's
System of the Physical World
(Ithaca, 1960). Léon Robin,
Pyrrhon et le scepticisme grec (Paris, 1944).

The Medieval Period. Léon Baudry, Lexique philo-
sophique de Guillaume d'Ockham
(Paris, 1958), article
“Causa.” M. Fakhry, Islamic Occasionalism (London, 1958).
Erich Hochstetter, Studien zur Metaphysik und Erkenntnis-
lehre Wilhelms von Ockham
(Berlin, 1927). Michalski Kon-
stanty, “Le criticisme et le scepticisme dans la philosophie
du XIVe siècle,” Bulletin International de l'Académie Polo-
naise des Sciences
(1919-25). Francis Meehan, Efficient
Causality in Aristotle and St. Thomas
(Washington, D.C.,
1940). J. Obermann, “Das Problem der Kausalität bei den
Arabern,” Festschrift Joseph R. von Karabacek (Vienna,
1916), pp. 15-42.

The Modern Period. Maine de Biran, “Essay upon the
Foundations of Psychology,” The Classical Psychologists, ed.
Benjamin Rand (Cambridge, 1912). Standard editions of René
Descartes, Meditations and Principles of Philosophy; Thomas
Hobbes, Works; David Hume, Treatise of Human Nature
and Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding; Immanuel
Kant, Critique of Pure Reason. G. W. Leibniz, Leibniz's
Philosophical Papers and Letters,
trans. Leroy Loemker
(Chicago, 1956). Standard editions of John Locke, Essay
Concerning Human Understanding;
Nicolas Malebranche,
Recherche de la vérité. J. S. Mill, System of Logic (London,
1949). Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge (London, 1948);
idem, Mysticism and Logic (Garden City, 1957), “On the
Notion of Cause.” Moritz Schlick, “Gesetz Kausalität in der
gegenwärtigen Physik,” Die Naturwissenschaften (Berlin,
1931). Arthur Schopenhauer, Über die vierfache Wurzel...
(1813), trans. as The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Suffi-
cient Reason
(London, 1907). Benedict Spinoza, Ethics and
Correspondence, standard editions. A. N. Whitehead, Sym-
(New York, 1927); idem, Process and Reality (New
York, 1929).


[See also Analogy; Atomism; Causation in Islamic Thought;
Causation, Final Causes;
Chance; Dualism; God; Hege-
lian...; Indeterminacy; Necessity; Neo-Platonism; Pre-
Platonic Conceptions.]