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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
[Clear Hits]


1. On Buddhism in General. P. V. Bapat, ed., 2500 Years
of Buddhism
(Delhi, 1959). Edward Conze, Buddhism, Its
Essence and Development
(London, 1951; New York, 1959).
Charles Eliot, Hinduism and Buddhism: An Historical
3 vols. (London and New York, 1954). Kenneth W.
Morgan, ed., The Path of the Buddha: Buddhism Interpreted
by Buddhists
(New York, 1956). Hajime Nakamura, Ways
of Thinking of Eastern Peoples,
rev. and ed. Philip P. Wiener
(Honolulu, 1964). Junjiro Takakusu, The Essentials of Bud-
dhist Philosophy
(Honolulu, 1947).

2. On Indian Buddhism. S. B. Dasgupta, An Introduction
to Tantric Buddhism
(Calcutta, 1958). Nalinaksha Dutt,
Early Monastic Buddhism, 2 vols. (Calcutta, 1941). Étienne
Lamotte, Histoire du bouddhisme indien, des origines à l'ère
(Louvain, 1958). T. R. V. Murti, The Central Philosophy
of Buddhism
(London and New York, 1955). Govind
Chandra Pande, Studies in the Origins of Buddhism (Al-
lahabad, 1957). Sigālovādosutta, see Dialogues of the Bud-
trans. from the Pāli of the Dīgha Nikāya, by C. A. F.
and T. W. Rhys Davids (London, 1957), Part III, p. 180.
Th. Stcherbatsky, The Central Conception of Buddhism
(London, 1924); idem, The Conception of Buddhist Nirvāna
(Leningrad, 1927; reprint New York, 1965); idem, Buddhist
2 vols. (1930; many reprints). Edward J. Thomas, The
History of Buddhist Thought
(London, 1953). Maurice Win-
ternitz, A History of Indian Literature, Vol. II (Calcutta,

3. On Chinese Buddhism. Wing-tsit Chan, Religious
Trends in Modern China
(New York, 1952). Yu-lan Fung,
A History of Chinese Philosophy, trans. D. Bodde, 2 vols.
(Princeton, 1952-53).

4. On Japanese Buddhism. Masaharu Anesaki, History of
Japanese Religions
... (1930; London, 1953; Tokyo and New
York, 1963). Charles Eliot, Japanese Buddhism (London,

5. On Zen. Heinrich Dumoulin, The Development of
Chinese Zen
..., trans. Ruth F. Sasaki (New York, 1953);
idem, A History of Zen Buddhism (New York, 1963). Daisetz
Teitaro Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism (London, 1926;
New York, 1961).

6. On East-West Relations. Van Meter Ames, Zen and
American Thought
(Honolulu, 1962), contains an extensive
bibliography. Arthur Christy, The Orient in American Tran-
(New York, 1932). Richard Garbe, India and
Christianity: The Historical Connections Between Their Re-
trans. Lydia G. Robinson (La Salle, Ill., 1959).

7. Bibliography. Bibliographie Bouddhique [since 1928]
(Paris). Shinso Hanayama, Bibliography on Buddhism
(Tokyo, 1961).


[See also Causation; China; Cycles; God; Religion, Ritual
Sin and Salvation.]