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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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240 occurrences of e
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A. L. Peck's editions (Loeb Classical Library, London and
Cambridge, Mass.) of Aristotle's Parts of Animals (1955),
Generation of Animals (1953), and Historia Animalium
(1965) contain expository introduction, English translation
and notes, including a short bibliography of modern sec-
ondary literature on ancient Greek biology. previous hit E next hit. Lesky, Die
Zeugungs- und Vererbungslehren der Antike und ihr
(Vienna, 1950) describes ancient genetic theo-
ries. O. Keller, Die antike Tierwelt, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1909-13)
collects information under each animal. Ernest H. F. Meyer,
Geschichte der Botanik, 4 vols. (Königsberg, 1854-59) dis-
cusses authors chronologically from classical times. previous hit E next hit. L.
Greene, Landmarks of Botanical History, Smithsonian Mis-
cellaneous Collections 54 (Washington, D.C., 1909) and A.
Arber, The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form, (Cambridge,
1950) analyze Greek views, especially of Theophrastus.
F. S. Bodenheimer, The History of Biology (London, 1958)
includes English translations of ancient non-Greek texts.


[See also Atomism; Causation; Chain of Being; Classification
of the Sciences; Evolutionism; Genetic Continuity; God;
Platonism; Stoicism.]