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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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7 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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René Wellek, “The Concept of Baroque in Literary
Scholarship,” in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 5
(1946), 77-106, with full bibliography; reprinted with a
“Postscript 1962,” in Concepts of Criticism (New Haven,
1963), pp. 69-127. The following works are arranged by date
of publication. Carlo Calcaterra, “Il problema del Barocco,”
in Problemi ed orientamenti critici di lingua e di letteratura
ed. A. Momigliano (Milan, 1949), III, 405-501.
Václav Černý, “Les origines européennes des études ba-
roquistes,” in Revue de littérature comparée, 24 (1950),
25-45. András Angyal, “Der Werdegang der internationalen
Barockforschung,” in Forschungen und Fortschritte, 28
(1954), 377-84. Giovanni Getto, “La Polemica sul Barocco,”
in Letteratura e critica nel tempo (Milan, 1954), pp. 131-218.
Giuliano Briganti, “Barocco: storia della parola e fortuna
critica del concetto,” in Enciclopedia universale dell'Arte,
(1958), 2, 346-59. R. A. Sayce, “The Use of the Term Ba-
roque in French Literary History,” in Comparative Litera
ture, 10 (1958), 246-53. Otto Kurz, “Barocco: storia di una
parola,” in Lettre Italiane, 12 (1960), 414-44. Helmut
Hatzfeld, Der gegenwärtige Stand der romanistichen Ba-
Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften (Munich, 1961), Heft 4. Bruno Miglio-
rini, “Etimologia e storia del termine 'barocco,'” in Manie-
rismo, Barocco, Rococò, Convegno internazionale
1962), pp. 39-49. Helmut Hatzfeld, Estudios sobre el Bar-
(Madrid, 1964).


[See also Classicism in Literature; Expressionism in Litera-
ture; Gothic;
Renaissance Humanism; Romanticism; Style.]