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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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2 occurrences of Ancients and Moderns in the Eighteenth Century
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The Works of Francis Bacon, eds. R. L. Ellis, J. Spedding,
D. D. Heath, 7 vols. (London, 1857-59). The Letters and
Life of Francis Bacon, Including All His Occasional Works,

ed. J. Spedding, 7 vols. (London, 1861-74). Among the
bibliographical works: R. W. Gibson, Francis Bacon, A
Bibliography of his Works and of Baconiana to the Year
(Oxford, 1950). For the period 1800-1956: P. Rossi,
Per una bibliografia degli scritti su Bacone,Rivista critica
di storia della filosofia,
12, 1 (1957), 75-89. The best biogra-
phy is by M. Sturt, Francis Bacon: A Biography (London,
1932). Also useful is the commentary of Th. Fowler on the
Novum Organum (London, 1878). Outlines of the influence
of Bacon: G. Sortais, La Philosophie moderne depuis Bacon
jusqu'à Leibniz
(Paris, 1922). On the Rhetoric, Science of
Man, style, and prose of Bacon: K. R. Wallace, Francis Bacon
on Communication and Rhetoric
(Chapel Hill, 1943); Francis
Bacon on the Nature of Man
(Urbana, Ill., 1967); B. Vickers,
Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose (Cambridge, 1968);
W. S. Howell, Logic and Rhetoric in England: 1500-1700
(Princeton, 1956). Two quick sketches are very significant:
P.-M. Schuhl, La Pensée de Bacon (Paris, 1949), and B.
Farrington, Francis Bacon, Philosopher of Industrial Science
(New York, 1949). On the first period of Bacon's activities:
B. Farrington, The Philosophy of Francis Bacon: An Essay
of its Development from 1603 to 1609
(Liverpool, 1964). The
best study on Baconian logic is that of T. Kotarbinsky, “The
Development of the Main Problem in the Methodology of
Francis Bacon,” Studia Philosophica (1935). Among the
recent works on the whole of Bacon's philosophy: F.
Anderson, The Philosophy of Francis Bacon (Chicago, 1948);
P. Rossi, Francis Bacon: From Magic to Science (London and
Chicago, 1967). On the idea of progress and value of tech-
nology: P. Rossi, Philosophy, Technology and the Arts: in
the Early Modern Era
(New York, 1970). On the Encyclo-
pedia: R. McRae, The Problem of the Unity of Sciences,
Bacon to Kant
(Toronto, 1961). On special aspects: Marie
Boas, “Bacon and Gilbert,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
12, 3 (1950), 466-67; E. Moody Prior, “Bacon's Man of
Science,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 15, 3 (1954),
348-70; P. H. Kocher, “Bacon on the Science of Juris-
prudence,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 18, 1 (1957),
3-26. On the religious theme: P. Rossi, “Bacone e la Bibbia,”
Archiwum Historii Filozofii (Warsaw, 1966). Among the few
works on Bacon's influence: H. Dieckmann, “The Influence
of Francis Bacon on Diderot's Interprétation de la Nature,
Romanic Review, 24, 4 (1943), 303-30.


[See also Ancients and Moderns; Crisis; Positivism; Prag-
matism; Progress; Renaissance Humanism; Technology;