University of Virginia Library


The President presented a proposal that the University become a member of the Interuniversity
Communications Council which was organized at a meeting in Denver in October 1964 at which
were present academic officials from Duke University, Harvard University, State University of
New York, University of California, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, and
the University of Virginia. After the final organization of the Council is completed and
a staff has been appointed, participation in the organization will be open to all qualified
colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.

The primary membership will be institutional rather than individual. Any institutional
members can withdraw after one month's notice and the Council can in no way commit a member
institution to any activity without its approval. Each institutional member will pay a membership
fee of $250 but have no other financial commitment.

The general objectives of the Council are to:

1. Provide a forum where the best minds of the academic community can discuss, debate
and effectively appraise, the current "state of the art" of the communication sciences and
technology and the problems and opportunities involved in incorporating them into the planning
and programs of colleges and universities as they carry out their total obligations to society.

2. Establish interuniversity task groups to focus the expertise already available within
our colleges and universities upon specific current problems in educational communications of
interest to the academic community. It has become traditional for government and industry to


improve their functioning by calling upon the competence and skills of scholars, irrespective
of their institutional affiliations. It would seem desirable that the universities and
colleges take steps to avail themselves collectively of this resource.

3. Provide a framework that will stimulate cooperation in the processing of scientific
information and in the development and operation of interuniversity systems. Here the
emphasis will not be on machines and methods, but on the application of existing techniques
to broaden and deepen human intellectual capacity.

Accordingly, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the President be and he is hereby authorized to take such action as may be necessary to
obtain the admission of the University of Virginia to the Interuniversity Communications Council.