![]() | Fun-jottings, or, Laughs I have taken a pen to | ![]() |

LEISURE, embracing Letters from under a Bridge, Open Air Musings in the City,
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Fourth Edition.
“There is scarcely a page in it in which the reader will not remember, and turn to again
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PEOPLE I HAVE MET, or Pictures of Society and People of Mark—drawn under a
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“It is a collection of twenty or more of the stories which have blossomed out from the
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to his purpose, as if a humming-bird were picking upon his quivering wing the
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“The book embraces a great variety of personal and social sketches in the Old World,
and concludes with some thrilling reminiscences of distinguished ladies, including the
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LIFE HERE AND THERE, or Sketches of Society and Adventure at far-apart times
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“This very agreeable volume consists of sketches of life and adventure, all of them, the
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Such of these sketches as we have read, are in Mr. Willis's happiest vein—a vein,
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—Jersey Journal.
HURRYGRAPHS, or Sketches of Scenery, Celebrities, and Society, taken from Life
By N. P. Willis. 1 vol., 12mo. Third Edition.
“Some of the best specimens of Mr. Willis's prose, we think, are herein contained.”
N. Y. Evangelist.
“In the present volume, which is filled with all sorts of enticements, we prefer the
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THE FRUIT GARDEN. Second Edition. A Treatise intended to Illustrate
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Orchard and Garden Trees, as Standards, Dwarfs, Pyramids, Espaliers, &c., the laying
out and arranging different kinds of Orchards and Gardens, the selection of
suitable varieties for different purposes and localities gathering and preserving
Fruits, Treatment of Disease, Destruction of Insects. Descriptions and Uses
of Implements, &c., illustrated with upward of one hundred ard fifty figures, representing
different parts of Trees, all Practical Operations, Forms of Trees, Designs for
Plantations, Implements, &c. By P. Barry, of the Mount Hope Nurseries, Rochester
New York. 1 vol. 12mo.
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“A mass of useful information is collected, which will give the work a value even to
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“His work is one of the completest, and, as we have every reason for believing, most
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“A concise Manual of the kind here presented has long been wanted, and we will
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“The work is prepared with great judgment, and founded on the practical experience
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This Book supplies a place in fruit culture, and that is saying a great deal, while we
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Among the many works which within a few years have been brought before the public
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It is a manual that ought to be in the possession of every man that owns a foot of land.
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Both to the active fruit grower and the novice in Pomology, this book will be found
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RURAL HOMES; Or, SKETCHES OF HOUSES suited to American Country Life.
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It commences with the first foot-tread upon the spot chosen for the house; details the
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“In this neat and tasteful volume, Mr. Wheeler has condensed the results of an accomplished
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“It is extremely practical, containing such simple and comprehensive directions for all
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![]() | Fun-jottings, or, Laughs I have taken a pen to | ![]() |