University of Virginia Library



Concerning a petition for an extension of time for completion of the Physics Experimental Laboratory, the following
resolution was adopted:

"WHEREAS, as a result of our inspection of the Experimental Laboratory NOrd (f) 1436 on December 15,
1946, it was found that the contract was substantially completed, and the installation of laboratory equipment
was begun at that time; and,

WHEREAS, as a result of an inspection of the Experimental Laboratory on March 29, 1947, it was
found that the building was completed except for the installation of certain minor items of hardware and
electrical material; and,

WHEREAS, the contractor estimated that, due to uncertain weather conditions, grading of the
grounds and construction of outside roads and walks would take until April 30, 1947, to complete, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that, subject to the approval of the Navy, the contractor's time for completion
be extended to April 30, 1947.