University of Virginia Library


The President reporting for the New Buildings Committee of the Board, stated that the
Committee had met with the members of the State Art Commission in Richmond, at which time the Art Commission
and the Board's Committee approved the site location for the Men's Dormitories and the preliminary plans
for the Men's Dormitories. The Cafeteria was approved, subject to certain recommendations which have
been made to the Architects, Eggers and Higgins, and that Eggers and Higgins had agreed to make the
suggested changes in preliminary plans. He further stated that as regards to the Students Activities
Building, there had been no approval by either the Board's Committee or the Art Commission.

After a discussion of the suggested Medical School and Hospital Building, the Board went
on record as favoring a multiple structure for the Hospital Building on the suggested site, and the
Board directed the President to inform Eggers and Higgins that they could go forward with their
preliminary sketch and report on the basis of this multiple structure building.

The meeting then adjourned.

R. Gray Williams
Rector per, EIC
E. I. Carruthersa