University of Virginia Library


Pursuant to the instruction given to the President at the last meeting of the Board, authority has
been secured from Governor Darden for the purchase of three lots from Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Winn and three lots
from Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Burton as a site for the proposed new heating plant, on the condition that the
purchase price not exceed $1750 per lot. Originally the owners stated that they would not accept less than
$2000 per lot. After some attempt to induce them to reduce the price without success, the real estate firm
of Hunter and Gibson was requested to contact the owners in an effort to secure a better price. As a result,
the owners have given a 30-day option to Hunter and Gibson, dated September 7, 1945, for the six lots in


question at the price of $10,00, thus saving the college $2000 and making it possible to obtain the
property under the authority given by the Governor. The above amount is a net price to the owners.
The firm of Hunter and Gibson feel that it should be paid the sum of $300 for securing the options on
behalf of the college. The purchase price to be paid the owners, plus the fee requested by the real
extate firm, will be less than the $1750 amount per lot authorized by the Governor.

It is, therefore, recommended that the following action be taken:

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia and is hereby authorized to accept the
the options obtained for the six lots and to pay Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Winn $4750 for lots numbered
15, 16, and 17, block 53, College Heights section, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Burton $5250 for
lots numbered 12, 13, and 14, block 53, College Heights section, upon execution of the deeds, together
with certificates of titles and abstracts approved by the attorney for the University the
proper officers of the Board are authorized and directed to accept said deeds, and make payment
as herein before setout to the respective owners and have said deeds recorded, and to pay the
real estate firm of Hunter and Gibson the sum of $300 for their services in securing the property
on behalf of the college.