University of Virginia Library



From the General Education Board, toward the support of a study of the specifications
covering the classification of state employees during the period terminating June 30, 1946 
From the General Education Board, for the salary of an additional staff member to
prepare educational materials on resources and their utilization for adult groups, during
the two-year period beginning July 1, 1945 
From Miss Dorothy M. Strickland, of Roanoke, establishing a loan fund for medical
students, to be known as the STRICKLAND MEDICAL STUDENTS LOAN FUND, in memory of her
father, the late Dr. James Thomas Strickland, of Roanoke 
From Mr. D. C. Reams, a former student of Engineering, a second check for the
purpose of strengthening the Humanistic Division of the Engineering Library 

The following resignation and elections presented by the President were approved:

Resignation of Mr. W. Patton Graham, Professor of Romance Languages, effective June 30, 1945:

RESOLVED, that the resignation of Professor Graham be and is hereby accepted; Professor
Graham has carried on his work at the University with devotion and skill, and the Board
wishes for him many years of happiness in his retirement.