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III. The curriculum.

As stated above, the required subjects in liberal arts of the first two years will be presented in
the traditional manner, but others in this group, such as History, Economics, Human Geography and American


Government, will be oriented in the direction of the special needs of the School. The History course
outlines the rise of the democratic ideal, its growth, development and struggles, and its outstanding
personalities and documents, with particular emphasis on the roots and traditions of American democracy.
The course in geography will describe the main geographical areas of the world, their resources, needs,
and mutual economic relations, with special reference to the place of the United States in the world
picture. The course in Economics will be the Principles of Economics, with an orientation towards
international economic problems and American Economics projected against the world scene. The course in
American government is just what the name implies. All these courses are designed to aid in the formation
of a loyal citizen of his own country and an enlightened citizen of the world.

Every student will study for four years one of the major modern foreign languages. He will also
be required to devote one summer, here or elsewhere, to intensive study of the language exclusively, in
order to obtain a highly efficient practical command of it. The fourth year of language is devoted to a
study of the civilization and culture of the area of which it is representative.

The program of concentration for the last two years, and the fifth year, when desired, will be
formulated from among the following:

  • American History

  • European History

  • Latin-American History

  • The British Empire

  • Russia, Political, Social and Economic

  • Canada, Economic and Social History

  • Far Eastern History and Government

  • International Relations

  • American Foreign Policy

  • Inter-American Relations

  • Comparative Government

  • International Organization

  • International and Maritime Law

  • Constitutional Law of the United States

  • Diplomatic History of the United States

  • Diplomatic Practice

  • International Economics

  • Money and Banking

  • Commercial Law

  • Accounting

  • Statistics