University of Virginia Library


A special meeting of the Board was held in Richmond, Virginia, on this
date for the purpose of presenting to his Excellency, Governor Harry F. Byrd, the action
of the meeting of the Board on February 1st, at which time a resolution was adopted
increasing the salary scale of the members of the faculty of the University of Virginia,
subject to the approval of the Governor.

Mr. Lewis C. Williams had very graciously invited the Governor, Mr.
Bradford, and the members of the Board to dine with him at his residence, after which the
business of the evening was taken up.

There were present His Excellency, Governor Harry Flood Byrd, Mr. J. H.
Bradford, Director of the State Budget, The Rector, Mr. C. Harding Walker, and Visitors
Buchanan, Carson, Hart, Hull, McIntire, Munford, Rinehart, Scott, and Williams, President
Alderman, and Mr. J. L. Newcomb, Assistant to the President.

The Rector presided and presented to the Governor the purpose of the
meeting, reciting the action taken at the meeting of the Board on February 1st upon the
report of the Special Committee of the Board, and called on Mr. Hull, the chairman of
the Special Committee to make the report on behalf of the Board. Mr. Hull read the
report of his committee, which was presented to the meeting of the Board February 1st,
and spoke to the question at some length. Several of the other members of the Board
also spoke to the question, as did also President Alderman. The Governor then entered
into a free discussion in the matter, reserving his opinion, stating that he would
communicate to the President his conclusion in a short while.

At the Governor's request President Alderman then outlined somewhat what
the Board of Visitors would request of the state in its biennial budget for 1930-32.
Among the items enumerated were:

Completing the Central Heating System  $150,000 
New Engineering Building  $250,000 
conditioned by the University's raising a like sum. 
A home for nurses of the Hospital  $150,000 
Additional expense of operating the University Hospital,
caring for the Grounds and Buildings, and proposed
salary increases, a total of 
Sundry other items, approx.  $ 75,000 
Making a grand total of approx.  $775,000 

The meeting then adjourned.

C. Harding Walker
E. I. Carruthers