University of Virginia Library


A called meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on
this date at 8 o'clock in the President's Office, with the
following present: Hon. Armistead C. Gordon, Rector, John
W. Craddock, Goodrich Hatton, Geo. R. B. Michie, J. K. M. Norton,


R. C. Stearnes, Robert Turnbull and President Alderman.

Minutes of the meeting of June 12th were approved.

President Alderman announced the following gifts and bequests:

$250,000. in cash from a friend, to be used as might be deemed
to the best interest of the University.

$ 50,000. legacy under the will of Seth Low, to be paid over at
the death of the widow.

$ 5,000. Adams Fellowship from Columbia University, to Dr.
S. A. Mitchell, professor of Astronomy.

A small legacy under the will of Fayerweather; the amount not
yet determined.

A plaster cast (original of E. A. Poe) Ezekiel.

Plaster models of Jefferson statue by Karl Bitter.

Art work of Louis Tiffany from L. C. Tiffany.

Portrait of Pembroke Thom.

Medical and Scientific Journals, Mrs. Whitehead.

Upon the recommendation of the professors of Physics
and the Catalogue Committee, with the approval of the President,
the name of the School of Natural Philosophy was changed
to School of Physics.

The following appropriations were passed:

  • To furnish the Dean's Office, the sum of $125. or so much
    thereof as may be necessary.

  • To lay brick walk at Dean's residence, $30.

  • To renew furnace in Chapel, $300.

  • To furnish Instructor in English Literature, $500.

The matter of the legacy to the University under the will
of Robert L. Parrish was considered, and the following offered
by Mr. Hatton, adopted:

RESOLVED, That the matter of the legacy under the will of R. L.
Parrish, dec'd. be and is referred to the Attorney for the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia for investigation,
and his opinion as to the legal right of the University under
said will, and further as to the property of which the estate
consists, and its value. Said report to be made as soon as


possible to the Rector and the Finance Committee who are hereby
empowered to take such action thereon as they may deem expedient.

The President advised the Board of the resignation of J.
S. Grasty, Associate Professor of Geology, which was accepted.

Upon the recommendation of the President, Albert William
Giles was elected Adjunct Professor of Geology, to succeed
Prof. J. S. Grasty, resigned.

Upon the recommendation of the President, the following
appointments were confirmed:

Albert William Giles, Adjunct Professor of Geology, to
succeed Associate Professor J. S. Grasty, resigned;

Wilmer Baker, M. D., (Tulane 1910) Instructor in Anatomy
at a salary of $1,000.

M. R. Pratt, M. D., Superintendent of the University
Hospital, at a salary of $3,000.

Lyman B. Kendall, 520 Park Avenue, New York City, a Member
of the Astronomical Visiting Committee; and

The following appointments of Professors, Instructors
and Assistants, not ratified at the last meeting of the Board.



Adjunct Professor of Philosophy,  W.S.A. Pott, 
Assistant in School of Education,  F.M. Alexander, 
Assistant in School of Biology,  T. C. Scott, 
Assistant in School of Physics,  C. S. Cole, 
Assistant in School of Physics,  R. B. Hiden, 
Assistant in School of Chemistry, (Anal.)  A.J.T. Brown, 
Assistant in School of History, (Rives Fellow)  H.L. Amonette, 
Undergraduate Assistant in Law,  Frank Camm, 
Undergraduate Assistant in Law,  W. P. Marks, 
Undergraduate Assistant in Law,  C. H. Shield, 
Undergraduate Assistant in Law,  Jno. L. Abbott, 
Undergraduate Assistant in Law,  R. W. Bell, 
Assistant Librarian, (Law Dep't.)  W. Wyatt, Jr. 
Instructor in Physical Culture,  J. S. Graves, 
Assistant in Physical Culture,  D. C. Taylor, 
Green Scholarship,  C. H. Parsons, 

The following names were nominated to the Governor of
Virginia from which to make a selection to serve on the Virginia
Art Commission, and the Board recommended to him the appointment
of Duncan Smith on said Commission; Duncan Smith, R. E. L.
Taylor, Waddy B. Wood and Eugene Bradbury.

Upon the recommendation of the Cemetery Committee, the
following was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of the Cemetery Endowment
Fund is authorized to expend, from the money received
from the sale of the cemetery plots as pefore provided,
as much of one hundred dollars as may be necessary to
put this addition to the Cemetery in good order, and the
remainder of these receipts are to be held by him
(Bursar) as an Endowment Fund, while the interest therefrom
shall be employed to keep this ground in neat condition.

The President brought to the attention of the Board a
bill from the Hospital amounting to $295. for care and treatment
of certain Diphtheria patients during the 1916 session
of the Summer School, said patients being domiciled on the
grounds of the University at the time of the outbreak of the
epidemic, and asked for instructions in the settlement of
same. After aiscussion, it was directed that the said bills
be charged to the general expenses of the Hospital.

The Rector brought to the attention of the Board the
following communication received by him from Jno. Fox. Sup't.
of the C. & O. Ry. Co. at Clifton Forge, Va.:


Mr. Armistead C. Gordon,
Rector, University of Virginia,
Staunton, Va.
Dear Sir:

Referring to your recent conversation with Mr.
D. C. Ogg, Train Master, with reference to the proposed
plan of having the University deed to the C. & O. Fail-way
Company the land on which the University's coal
trestle and track are located, and the proposed agreement
between the University and the Railway Company to
maintain the coal trestle and track hereafter on a basis
of an equal division of the cost thereof, it being understood
that the Railway Company shall have the privilege
of making deliveries to outside parties on the said
track and trestle; as requested by you, we are attaching
blue print showing the location of the track and trestle
and the property lines at this point.

We shall be glad if you will bring the matter
to the attention of the Board of Visitors, and advise
us what action they deem fit to take in the matter.

Yours truly,
(signed) Jno. Fox, Superintendent.

After a full discussion of the matter, the following
was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the proposition of John Fox, Sup't. C. & O.
Ry. Co., be declined, and the Secretary is directed to so
notify him.

The Secretary sent the Sup't. the following letter:

Sup't. C. & O. Railway Company,
Clifton Forge, Va.
Sup't. C. & O. Railway Company,
Clifton Forge, Va.
Dear Sir:

Referring to your communication of the 16th of September,
1916, addressed to Mr. Armistead C. Gordon, Rector of the
University of Virginia, in re- the plan proposed by you to have


the University deed to your company the land on which the
University's coal trestle and track are located, I am directed
by the Board of Visitors to advise you that the matter was
brought to their attention, and after a full discussion, they
were unable to accede to your proposition.

The Board of Visitors are without authority
to make adeed to any of the University's real estate.

Yours very truly,
(signed) E. I. Carruthers, Secretary.

The Committee on Alumni Scholarships, appointed at the
June 1916 meeting of the General Alumni Association recommended
to the Board the regulations with reference to Alumni
Scholarships in this University, which was adopted as follows:


  • 1. These scholarships shall be known as Alumni

  • 2. Every Alumni Chapter, twenty-five per cent of
    whose local alumni are active members of the General
    Alumni Association (provided that such percentage equals
    ten alumni or more), shall be entitled annually to have
    one appointee at the University.

  • 3. Every Alumni Chapter, twenty-five per cent of
    whose local alumni are active members of the General
    Alumni Association (provided that such percentage equals
    fifty alumni or more), shall be entitled annually to have
    two appointees at the University; and for every fifty members
    in excess of the first fifty above mentioned, each
    chapter shall be entitled to an additional appointee.

  • 4. By "active" members as herein used, is meant
    alumni of the University, who have been admitted by the
    General Alumni Association as active members, thereof,
    in accordance with the rules laid down by the General
    Alumni Association. But graduation in any department
    or school of the University is not hereby required.

  • 5. Every Alumni Chapter shall anounce each year in
    its local daily papers the nature and conditions of the
    scholarship, and shall request applicants to present
    proper credentials to the Secretary of the Chapter.

  • 6. Only such persons may be appointed as actually
    stand in need of such aid and who cannot otherwise attend
    the University. Each applicant for a scholarship, as well


    as his parent or guardian, must file statement in writing
    that the applicant actually stands in need of such aid.
    No student will be permitted to enjoy the privileges
    of an alumni scholarship while holding an endowed scholarship
    or fellowship, or while carried on the salaried
    list of the University as assistant or instructor in any

  • 7. The incumbent must be at least sixteen years
    of age, and must be one who, in the judgment of the
    Chapter naming him, is studious and of good moral
    character. He must make application on a blank form
    provided by the Secretary of the General Alumni Association.
    He shall be subject to the same entrance requirements
    as other students.

  • 8. The final appointment of each incumbent shall
    be made by the Executive Committee of the Chapter and
    reported to the Secretary of the General Alumni
    Association, on a form to be provided by him, at his
    office at the University not later than August 15th,
    preceding the opening of the session for which the incumbent
    is appointed.

  • 9. These scholarships shall be confined to those
    courses in the Academic Schools of the University to
    which Virginia students are now admitted without charge
    under the laws of Virginia (that is, all Academic courses,
    save the courses in Analytical Chemistry). The scholarship
    shall entitle the incumbent to exemption from tuition
    fees in the Schools referred to except laboratory fees
    in general, and to the remission, if he be a Virginia,
    of the University fee; if he be not a Virginia, one-half
    of the University fee. The contigent fee must be
    deposited in all cases.

  • 10. No incumbent shall hold such scholarship for more
    than one year; but one who has passed in all his courses
    at the University may be eligible for reappointment the
    following session, upon the recommendation of the Dean.

  • 11. In the week following August 15th., the Secretary
    of the General Alumni Association shall notify each
    Chapter which has not yet made an appointment, that in case
    an appointment is not made by September 1st., the President
    of the University and the Secretary of the General Alumni
    Association in conference, will fill such vacant scholarship.

  • 12. After all necessary formalities have been complied
    with, the Secretary of the General Alumni Association shall
    report the name of the incumbent together with that of the


    appointing Chapter, to the Dean of the University and
    to the Bursar.

  • 13. In consideration of the material aid given through
    these scholarships, the incumbents thereof may be called
    upon by the Secretary of the General Alumni Association
    to render to the local Chapter, the Association, and the
    University such reasonable assistance as lies in their
    power towards the advancement of University and alumni

The Bursar brought to the attention of the Board the
matter of entering into a lease with Leonard Imboden for the
rent of the central store room in the Entrance Building,
and stated that Mr. Imboden had made him an offer of $1,200
per annum for the said room and had paid two monthly installments.

The matter was disposed of in the following offered
by Judge Norton, and adopted:

RESOLVED: That the Bursar be instructed to return to
Mr. Leonard Imboden, the money deposited with him by Mr.
Imboden in the matter of his proposal to lease the room in
the Entrance Building, with the statement that the Board
declines the proposal, and that the Bursar be further instructed
to send to Mr. Imboden a copy of this resolution.

On motion, the meeting then adjourned.

[signed] Armistead C. Gordon
[signed] E. I. Carruthers