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1. The Miners' Dream (Full Page.) Face Page Frontispiece.
2. Envious Contemplations 20
3. Innocent Dreams 21
4. Light Traveling Order 23
5. The “Allen” 23
6. Inducements to Purchase 24
7. The Facetious Driver 25
8. Pleasing News 26
9. The Sphynx 27
10. Meditation 32
11. On Business 33
12. Author as Gulliver 33
13. A Tough Statement 35
14. Third Trip of the Unabridged 38
15. A Powerful Glass 41
16. An Heirloom 42
17. Our Landlord 42
18. Dignified Exile 43
19. Drinking Slumgullion 44
20. A Joke without Cream 45
21. Pullman Car Dining-Saloon 47
22. Our Morning Ride 49
23. Prairie Dogs 50
24. A Cayote 51
25. Showing Respect to Relatives 52
26. The Conductor 55
27. The Superintendent As A Teacher 57
28. Jack and the Elderly Pilgrim 58
29. Crossing the Platte 61
30. An Inhuman Spectacle 62
31. A New Departure 63
32. Suspended Operations 65
33. A Wonderful Lie 68
34. Tail-piece 69
vi35. Here He Comes 71
36. Changing Horses 72
37. Riding The Avalanche 73
38. Indian Country 76
39. A Proposed Fist Fight 81
40. From Behind the Door 82
41. Slade as an Executioner 84
42. An Unpleasant View 85
43. Unappreciated Politeness 88
44. Slade in Court 92
45. A Wife's Lamentations 95
46. The Concentrated Inhabitant 99
47. The South Pass (Full Page,) Face Page 100
48. The Parted Streams 101
49. It Spoiled the Melon 102
50. Given Over to the Cayote and the Raven 103
51. “Don't Come Here” 104
52. “Think I'm a Fool” 105
53. The “Destroying Angel” 106
54. Effects of “Valley Tan” 109
55. One Crest 110
56. The Other 110
57. The Vagrant 111
58. Portrait of Heber Kimball 112
59. Portrait of Brigham Young 113
60. The Contractors before the King 116
61. I was Touched 117
62. The Endowment, tail-piece 118
63. Favorite Wife and D. 4 120
64. Needed Marking 121
65. A Remarkable Resemblance 124
66. The Family Bedstead 126
67. The Miraculous Compass 131
68. Three Sides to a Question 137
69. Result of High Freights 138
70. A Shriveled Quarter 139
71. An Object of Pity 140
72. Tail-Piece 141
73. Tail-Piece 145
74. Goshott Indians Hanging Around Stations 147
75. The Drive for Life 148
76. Greeley's Ride 151
77. Bottling an Anecdote 154
78. Tail-Piece 156
79. Contemplation 158
80. The Washoe Zephyr 159
81. The Governor's House 161
82. Dark Disclosures 162
83. The Irish Brigade 163
84. Recreation 164
85. The Tarantula 165
86. Light thrown on the Subject 166
87. I Steered 169
88. The Invalid 170
89. The Restored 171
vii90. Our House 172
91. At Business 174
92. Fight at Lake Tahoe (Full Page,) Face Page 176
93. “You might think him an American Horse” 179
94. Unexpected Elevation 180
95. Universally Unsettled 181
96. Riding the Plug 182
97. Wanted Exercise 183
98. Borrowing made easy 186
99. Free Rides 188
100. Satisfactory Vouchers 190
101. Needs Praying for 191
102. Map of Toll Roads 192
103. Unloading Silver Bricks 194
104. View in Humboldt Mountains 196
105. Going to Humboldt 199
106. Ballou's Bedfellow 201
107. Pleasures of Camping Out 202
108. The Secret Search 205
109. “Cast your Eye on that” 207
110. “We've got it” 210
111. Incipient Millionaires 212
112. Rocks—Tail-Piece 214
113. “Do You see it?” 216
114. Farewell Sweet River 218
115. The Rescue 219
116. “Mr. Arkansas” 222
117. An Armed Ally 225
118. Crossing the Flood 227
119. Advance in a Circle 229
120. The Songster 230
121. The Foxes have Holes—Tail-Piece 231
122. A Flat Failure 233
123. The Last Match 234
124. Discarded Vices 236
125. Flames—Tail-Piece 237
126. Camping in the Snow (Full Page,) Face Page 238
127. It was thus we met 240
128. Taking Possession 242
129. A Great Effort 244
130. Rearranging and Shifting 246
131. We left Lamented 249
132. Picture of Townsend's Tunnel 250
133. Quartz Mill 253
134. Another Process of Amalgamation 254
135. First Quartz Mill in Nevada 256
136. A Slice of Rich Ore 257
137. The Saved Brother 260
138. On a Secret Expedition 263
139. Lake Mono (Full Page,) Face Page 265
140. Rather Soapy 266
141. A Bark under Full Sail 266
142. A Model Boarding House 268
143. Life amid Death 271
144. A Jump for Life 273
viii145. “Stove Heap gone” 275
146. Interviewing the “Wide West” 279
147. Worth a Million 280
148. Millionaires Laying Plans 282
149. Dangerously Sick 287
150. Worth Nothing 288
151. The Compromise 290
152. One of my Failures 293
153. Target Shooting 294
154. As City Editor 295
155. The Entire Market 296
156. A Friend Indeed 297
157. Union—Tail-Piece 298
158. An Educational Report 301
159. No Particular Hurry 302
160. Birds Eye View of Virginia City and Mt. Davidson 304
161. A New Mine 307
162. Try a Few 309
163. Portrait of Mr. Stewart 310
164. Selling a Mine 311
165. Couldn't Wait 315
166. The Great “Flour Sack” Procession (Full Page,) Face Page 317
167. Tail-Piece 319
168. A Nabob 321
169. Magnificence and Misery 323
170. A Friendly Driver 326
171. Astonishes the Natives 327
172. Col. Jack Weakens 328
173. Scotty Briggs and the Minister 331
174. Regulating Matters 335
175. Didn't Shook his Mother 337
176. Scotty as S. S. Teacher 338
177. The Man who had Killed his Dozen 340
178. The Unprejudiced Jury 342
179. A Desperado giving Reference 344
180. Satisfying a Foe 346
181. Tail-Piece 351
182. Giving Information 353
183. A Walking Battery 355
184. Overhauling his Manifest 358
185. Ship—Tail-Piece 359
186. The Heroes and Heroines of the Story 361
187. Dissolute Author 362
188. There sat the Lawyer 365
189. Jonah Outdone 367
190. Dollinger 370
191. Low Bridge 371
192. Shortening Sail 372
193. Lightening Ship 373
194. The Marvellous Rescue 375
195. Silver Bricks 377
196. Timber Supports 379
197. From Gallery to Gallery 380
198. Jim Blaine 384
199. Hurrah for Nixon 385
ix200. Miss Wagner 386
201. Waiting for a Customer 387
202. Was to be There 388
203. The Monument 389
204. Where is the Ram?—Tail-Piece 390
205. Chinese Wash Bill 392
206. Imitation 393
207. Chinese Lottery 396
208. Chinese Merchant at Home—Tail Piece 397
209. An Old Friend 399
210. Farewell and Accident 403
211. “Gimme a Cigar” 404
212. The Herald of Glad News 406
213. Flag—Tail-Piece 407
214. A New England Scene 409
215. A Variable Climate 410
216. Sacramento and Three Hours Away 413
217. “Fetch Her Out” 416
218. “Well if it aint a Child” 417
219. A Genuine Live Woman 418
220. The Grace of a Kangaroo 420
221. Dreams Dissipated 421
222. The “One Horse Shay” Outdone 422
223. Hard on the Innocents 423
224. Dry Bones Shaken 423
225. “Oh! What shall I do!” 424
226. “Get out your Towel my Dear” 425
227. “We Will Omit the Benediction” 426
228. Slinking 429
229. A Prize 431
230. A Look in at the Window 432
231. “Do It Stranger” 433
232. The Old Collegiate 436
233. Striking a Pocket 438
234. Tom Quartz 440
235. An Advantage Taken 441
236. After an Excursion 442
237. The Three Captains 445
238. The Old Admiral 448
239. The Deserted Field 449
240. Williams 453
241. Scene on the Sandwich Islands 455
242. Fashionable Attire 456
- 243. A Bite 457
244. Reconnoitering 458
245. Eating Tamarinds 458
246. Looking for Mischief 461
247. A Family Likeness 462
248. Sit Down to Listen 467
249. “My Brother, We Twins” 469
250. Extraordinary Capers 470
251. A Load of Hay 471
252. Marching Through Georgia—Tail-Piece 472
253. Sandwich Island Girls 474
254. Original Ham Sandwich 475

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