University of Virginia Library


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Bayard Taylor's Novels.

I. HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American Life.
One vol. 12mo, $2. Household edition $1 50

“If Bayard Taylor has not placed himself, as we are half inclined to suspect, in
the front rank of novelists, he has produced a very remarkable book—a really
original story, admirably told, crowded with life-like characters, full of delicate
and subtle sympathies, with ideas the most opposite to his own, and lighted up
throughout with that playful humor which suggests always wisdom rather than
mere fun.”

London Spectator.

II. JOHN GODFREY'S FORTUNES. Related by Himself.
12mo, $2. Household edition $1 50

“`John Godfrey's Fortunes,' without being melodramatic or morbid, is one of
the most fascinating novels which we have ever read. Its portraiture of American
social life, though not flattering, is eminently truthful; its delineation of character
is delicate and natural; its English, though sometimes careless, is singularly grateful
and pleasant.”

Cleveland Leader.

III. THE STORY OF KENNETT. One vol. 12mo, $2.
Household edition $1 50

“Mr. Bayard Taylor's book is delightful and refreshing reading, and a
great rest after the crowded artistic effects and the conventional interests of even
the better kind of English novels.”

London Spectator.

“As a picture of rural life, we think this novel of Mr. Taylor's excels any of his
previous productions.”

N. Y. Evening Post.

“A tale of absorbing interest.”

Syracuse Standard.

IV. JOSEPH AND HIS FRIEND. A Story of Pennsylvania.
12mo, cloth, $2. Household edition $1 50

“In Bayard Taylor's happiest vein.”

Buffalo Express.

“By far the best novel of the season.”

Cleveland Leader.

12mo, cloth, $1.75. Household edition $1 50