University of Virginia Library


Storekeeper for the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, at Williamsburg, was
born at Williamsburg, in 1856. His father, Archie Brooks, born in
Williamsburg, served in the late war, C. S. A., died in March, 1888, aged
fifty-six years. His mother, whose maiden name was Margerette L.
Mahone, still lives in Williamsburg. He was married in Williamsburg,
August 23, 1881, his wife, born in James City county, Virginia, being
Lucy R., daughter of Parke and Martha J. (Menley) Jones, residents of
that county. They have four children: Beulah, Edna Lorene, Archie
and Lucy R.

Mr. Brooks attended school in Williamsburg, after that was a student
at William and Mary College three years. He has held his present position
since 1884.