University of Virginia Library


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Contrary to his first intention, Stanton concluded to come
North in July. He had of course learned from Nellie that
her mysterious guardian had proved to be Judge Fulton, his
sister's husband. And more recently she had written to him
of Judge Fulton's removal to New-York city. Mr. Miller
was apprised of Stanton's return by a letter, in which he was
also informed that the wedding would take place in Grace
Church on the morning of the 22d.

Not long after there came invitations for himself, wife and
Fanny, to attend the bridal party, at the residence of Judge
Fulton, on the evening of July 25th. Frank, who was also
invited, had his own reason for not wishing his mother or
sister to see Fanny until they met her at Judge Fulton's.
Consequently he was not sorry when both ladies graciously
informed him that Miss Middleton would not be invited by
them to visit at their house. “Of course,” said Mrs. Cameron,
“we shall invite Kate and her husband, and shall be
glad to see them. If you choose, you can in your own name
invite Fanny, but if she knows any thing she will not come.”

Frank knew there was no possible danger of Fanny's accepting
an invitation, which came simply from himself, but he
did not say so, and next day he started again for his uncle
Wilmot's. To his cousin Kate he imparted a knowledge of


Page 251
his mother's and Gertrude's feelings, and also told of his own
plans. Kate readily fell in with them, and when Frank returned
to the city he was accompanied by Mr. Miller, Kate
and Fanny, who took rooms at the Astor House. As soon
as Mrs. Cameron and Gertrude learned that Kate was in the
city, they called upon her. Fanny they of course did not
see, neither did they mention her name. Kate expected as
much, but nevertheless felt vexed, and when they urged her
to spend the remainder of her time with them, she replied,
“I have a young friend from Kentucky with me, and unless
you invite her too, I do not feel at liberty to accept your polite

In answer to this, Gertrude muttered something about
“not wishing to enlarge the circle of her acquaintance,” while
Mrs. Cameron said nothing, and the two ladies soon swept
haughtily out of the room.

“Never mind,” said Frank, to whom Kate related her adventure,
“they will both sing another tune ere long,” and he
was right too.

The 25th of July at last arrived. Frank had informed
Gertrude that she must look to their father for a beau that
evening, as he should be otherwise engaged; so she was not
surprised when her brother, long before sunset, left the house
all equipped for the party. She well knew where he was going
and for whose society she was deserted. One hour later
found her seated in a large arm-chair before the mirror in her

Gertrude was a tall, fine-looking girl, but in the expression
of her handsome features there was something wanting. She
lacked soul, and no one ever looked on the cold, proud face
of Gertrude Cameron, without being convinced that she was
altogether heartless and selfish.

On this occasion, as she sat in the large arm-chair, she


Page 252
sald to her waiting-maid, “I say, Jane, you must do your best
to-night to have me splendidly dressed.”

“Yes, ma'am, I understand,” said Jane, and she proceeded
to bedeck her young mistress with all sorts of finery. Her
dress consisted of a rich, white satin, over which was thrown
a skirt of handsomely embroidered lace. All the ornaments
of gold and diamonds for which a place could possibly be
found were heaped upon her, and when her toilet was completed
she seemed one gorgeous mass of jewelry.

“There, that will do,” said she, as Jane clasped the last
diamond bracelet on her arm. “I presume this Fanny Middleton
has never dreamed of so costly a dress as I shall appear
in to-night.'

Meantime in another part of the city, another toilet was
being made, but of a different nature. Kate and Frank
both were anxious that for once Fanny should deviate from
her usually simple style of dress, and adopt something more
in keeping with her father's wealth. At first Fanny hesitated,
but was finally persuaded, and gave Kate permission to select
for her any thing she chose. As, on the evening of the party,
she glanced at the image which her mirror reflected, she was
pardonable for feeling a slight thrill of pleasure. Frank was
in raptures, declaring nothing had ever been seen in New-York
so perfectly lovely. And truly, Fanny was beautiful
as she stood there arrayed for the party.

She was dressed in a French robe of white tarletane, embroidered
in bouquets of lilies of the valley in silver. A
single japonica rested among the curls of her bright hair,
while her neck was encircled by a necklace of pearls, and
costly bracelets of the same clasped her white, slender wrists.

“Why, Fanny,” said Mr. Miller, “how beautiful you look!
What would your father say could he see you now?”

At the mention of her father's name the tear drops glistened
for a moment in Fanny's eye, and she felt how gladly


Page 253
she would have foregone all the expected pleasure of that
night for the sake of again seeing her distant father. She
however dashed the tear away, and replied, “I fear he would
think his Sunshine wholly covered up and spoiled by trumpery,
as he calls fashionable dress.”

Frank noticed her emotion when speaking of her father,
and he thought how priceless must be the love of one who
thus so truly honored her parents. A feeling of sadness was
blended with his admiration of Fanny, for constantly in his
heart was the knowledge that she never would be his. And
here Frank showed how truly noble he was, for he could still
love and cling to Fanny, although he knew that for him there
was no hope.

Let us now transport our readers to the elegant residence
of Judge Fulton, which was situated upon Fifth Avenue.
Stanton, with his fair bride, had returned from visiting his
parents near Geneva, and now in the large parlors of Judge
Fulton, they were receiving the congratulations of their friends,
whose numbers each moment increased, until the rooms were
filled to overflowing. Frank and his party had not yet arrived.
He designed to be late, for he well knew his mother
and sister would not be early, and he wished to give them the
full benefit of Fanny's introduction into the drawing-room.

But a part of his scheme was frustrated, for his mother,
who was suffering with a violent head-ache, was obliged to
remain above stairs for a time, and Gertrude alone witnessed
her brother's triumph. She was standing near Mr. and Mrs.
Stanton, carelessly twirling a costly bouquet, which one of her
obsequious beaux had given her, when she overheard Nellie
saying to her husband, “I do hope she will come, for I am
all impatience to see one whom you have praised until I am
half jealous.”

Gertrude wondered much whom Mrs. Stanton could mean,
but her wonder soon ceased, for there was a stir at the door.


Page 254
The crowd around it fell back as Frank Cameron walked
proudly into the room, bearing upon his arm Fanny Middleton.
Her fame had preceded her, for many of those present
had learned that a Kentucky belle and heiress was stopping
at the Astor, and would be present at the party. As
she advanced into the room, Gertrude felt, rather than heard
the murmur of admiration which ran round the room, and
her quick ear caught the words, “Yes, that's she; that's the
heiress; that's Miss Middleton from Frankfort.”

Gladly would Gertrude have escaped her brother's eye,
which instantly sought her out; but she felt unable to move,
and stood watching the animated face and graceful manners
of Fanny, who, in being presented to Mrs. Fulton and Stanton,
passed near her. Every article of Fanny's dress was
noted, and an estimate made as to its probable cost. “She
must be wealthy,” thought she, “or she could not dress so
expensively.” Suddenly one of Gertrude's acquaintances
touched her elbow and said, “Come, Miss Cameron, do gratify
our curiosity and tell us about this Kentucky belle. Of
course you know her, as she is attended by your brother.”

Deeply mortified, Gertrude was obliged to confess that
she had no acquaintance with her. “That's strange,” said
the lady. “We all supposed she stopped at your father's
with your cousin.”

A new idea entered Gertrude's mind, and instead of replying
to this last remark, she said, “I shall know her well,
though, for Frank has proposed to her.”

“Did she accept him?” asked the lady eagerly.

“Of course,” was Gertrude's haughty answer. “Do you
think he would offer himself unless sure of success?”

Ten minutes more, and dozens of persons were gossiping
about the engagement between Frank Cameron and the
beautiful Kentuckian. Scores of questions were poured in
upon Gertrude relative to her future sister-in-law, but none


Page 255
of them could she answer. Vexed at her own ignorance,
she ran up stairs to her mother whom she told to “come down
immediately and see what fools they had made of themselves.”

“Why, what is the matter, child?” said Mrs. Cameron,
alarmed at Gertrude's excited looks and manners.

“All the city are ready to fall down and worship this
Fanny Middleton, whom we have treated with such neglect,”
said Gertrude, and then she added what was of more consequence
than all the rest, “Why, mother, she's the most elegantly
dressed lady in the room!”

In a moment Mrs. Cameron was descending the broad
staircase. There was the sound of the piano and some one
singing. Gertrude pressed eagerly forward until she caught
sight of the singer, then pulling her mother's sleeve, she whispered,
“This way, mother; that is Miss Middleton playing.”

Mrs. Cameron's first emotion, on beholding Fanny and
the flattering attentions she every where received, was one
of intense mortification, to think she had not been first to
notice and chaperone her. “I will, however, make all possible
amends now,” thought she, and finding Frank she desired
for herself and Gertrude an introduction to Miss Middleton;
but Frank did not feel disposed to grant his mother's
request immediately, and he said, “Pardon me, mother, but
you see Miss Middleton is very much engaged at present
with some of her friends, so you must wait awhile.”

Mrs. Cameron was too proud to ask any one else to introduce
her, and it seemed that she and Gertrude were not
likely to make Fanny's acquaintance at all. Towards the
close of the party, however, Frank thought proper to introduce
them. Mrs. Cameron determined to do her best, and
she overwhelmed Fanny with so much flattery, that the poor
girl longed for some way of escape, thinking to herself, “Is


Page 256
it possible that Frank Cameron's mother is such a silly woman?”
Once Mrs. Cameron went so far as to hint the probability
that Miss Middleton would one day be her daughter!

“What can she possibly mean?” thought Fanny; at the
same time gracefully excusing herself she ran up stairs after
her shawl and veil, as Kate had signified her intention of returning
home. But Mrs. Cameron was not to be thus foiled.
She started in pursuit, and reaching the bonnet room
as soon as Fanny, insisted that she and Kate should stop with
her during the remainder of her stay in the city. As Frank
soon appeared and joined his entreaties with those of his
mother, Fanny said she would do just as Mrs. Miller thought
proper. Kate, who had expected a similar denouement, expressed
her perfect willingness to visit at her uncle's.

Accordingly the next morning they left their rooms at
the Astor House and repaired to Mrs. Cameron's, where they
were most affectionately received by Mrs. Cameron and Gertrude.
And now commenced a series of toadyism which
was vastly amusing to their acquaintances, many of whom
had witnessed Mrs. Cameron's manners at the party and had
since learned a part of the story. It was strange how soon
Mrs. Cameron and Gertrude discovered how many fine qualities
Fanny possessed. Even the “odious scarecrow of a
father” was transformed into an “odd old gentleman,” and
in speaking of him to one of her acquaintances, Mrs. Cameron
said “he was a very generous, wealthy, but eccentric old
man and was one of the first citizens in Frankfort.” The
good lady forgot that Uncle Joshua did not reside in Frankfort,
but twelve miles from that city! Her word, however,
was not questioned, for of course she would know all about
the family of her son's intended wife.

Meantime the report of Frank's engagement was circulating
freely, and the whole matter would undoubtedly have
been arranged, marriage ceremony and all, had not Frank


Page 257
put an end to the matter, by utterly denying the story. Some
young gentlemen were one morning congratulating him on
his future prospects, and declaring their intention of going to
Kentucky, if there were any more Fannys there, when Frank
asked upon whose authority they were repeating a story for
which there was no foundation.

“Why,” answered one of them, “my sister heard it from
your sister Gertrude.”

“From Gertrude!” said Frank in amazement, “from
Gertrude! Well, I cannot answer for what Gertrude says,
but I assure you I am not engaged to Miss Middleton, and
never have been.”

This was in the morning, and that evening when Frank
entered the sitting-room where his mother and sister were,
they beset him to know why he had denied his engagement
with Fanny.

“Because,” said he rather indignantly, “there is no engagement
between us.”

“Oh, Frank,” said Gertrude, “you told us so.”

“I never told you so,” answered he rather warmly. “I
told you I had proposed, and I did propose, and was refused.”

“But why didn't you tell us?” continued Gertrude.

“Because you didn't ask me,” replied Frank. “You
supposed of course none could refuse me, so jumped at conclusions
and have got yourself into a fine spot.”

There was no need of telling this, for Mrs. Cameron readily
saw it and went off into a fit of hysterics, while Gertrude
burst into tears.

“What a strange girl you are!” said Frank. “Once you
cried because you thought I was engaged to Fanny, and now
you cry because I am not.” So saying he gave a low mocking
whistle and left his mother and sister to console themselves
as best they could.


Page 258

We will not weary the reader by repeating the conversation
between Gertrude and her mother. We will only say
that Mrs. Cameron decided to go as soon as possible to Saratoga,
“and when once there,” said she, “I will use all my
influence with Miss Middleton; nay, if necessary, I will even
beg of her to marry Frank, for I know she likes him.”

Gertrude was delighted with this idea. She had forgotten
how determined she once was not to visit Saratoga with
Fanny Middleton. Next morning Mrs. Cameron proposed
to her guests that as the weather was getting warm, they
should start directly for the Springs. The visitors of course
could make no objection, and as Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, who
were to accompany them, also acquiesced in the plan, two
days more found our friends at Saratoga, together with
crowds more of the fashionable from the north, south, east
and west.

On the first day of their arrival, Fanny noticed seated opposite
her at the dinner table, a dark-eyed, sprightly looking
girl, whose eyes so constantly met hers, that at last both
blushed and the stranger girl half smiled. By her side sat a
gentleman, who Fanny concluded was the young lady's brother.
Something in their appearance interested Fanny, and
she could not help thinking that they were from the South.
That evening as she was walking alone upon the piazza, she
was suddenly joined by the unknown lady, who accosted her
with, “Pardon me, ma'am, but am I not speaking to Miss
Middleton from Kentucky?”

Fanny was too much surprised to answer immediately,
but soon recovering her self-possession, she answered, “You
are, but I have not the pleasure of knowing you.”

“I presume not,” said the lady. “We have never met
before, and yet I knew you instantly.”

“Knew me! how?” asked Fanny.

“From description,” replied the lady. “You have been


Page 259
so accurately described to me by our mutual friend Miss
Woodburn, of New Orleans, that I could not mistake you.”

“Florence Woodburn! New Orleans!” exclaimed Fanny.
“And are you from New Orleans, and do you know Florence,
and have you seen Julia?”

To all these questions the stranger answered “Yes,” continuing,
“and now let me introduce myself. I am Lida
Gibson, but I might as well be John Smith for any idea my
name will convey. However, I am from New Orleans, and
know Florence and your uncle William well. Just before
I left the city, I made your sister's acquaintance. When she
learned I was coming this way, she said I possibly might
see you, and made me the bearer of many messages of love.”

Fanny had never heard of Lida Gibson, but it was sufficient
that she knew her uncle and Julia, so her hand was
immediately offered, and the remainder of the evening the
two young girls promenaded the piazza arm in arm, talking
of their distant homes and absent friends.

“Where did you see Julia?” asked Fanny.

“Your uncle's house was not quite ready, consequently
he and Julia were spending a few days at the residence of
Dr. Lacey,” answered Lida.

“Dr. Lacey!” said Fanny in some surprise. “Julia at
Dr. Lacey's?”

“Yes, why not?” said Lida, laughing merrily at Fanny's
manner. “There is nothing improper about that, for Dr.
Lacey's father was then absent, and his mother, for the time,
staid with her son. I fancied it was not at all unpleasant
either to Dr. Lacey or Julia, that they were thus thrown together,
and I should not wonder if the Doctor should one day
call you sister!

Lida Gibson, whom our readers will recollect as having
met at Mabel Mortimer's party in New Orleans, was a
thoughtless, but kind-hearted girl, and never felt happier than


Page 260
when employed in canvassing matches. On the morning
when the Cameron party arrived at the Springs, she had sent
her brother to learn the names of the new comers. On his
return he mentioned Fanny Middleton as being one of the
new arrivals, so 'twas not surprising that Lida should so
readily recognize her.

As days passed on Lida too heard of the supposed engagement
between Fanny and Frank Cameron, and for once
kept silent upon the subject, at least in Fanny's presence.
Dearly as she loved to discuss such matters, she felt there
was something in the character of her new friend which forbade
an approach to any thing like jesting about so personal
an affair as one's own engagement. She, however, fully
believed the report; for every thing she saw tended to confirm
it, and she was anxious to return home, that she might
carry the important news to Julia and Dr. Lacey. Poor Fanny!
The clouds were gathering darkly about her, but she, all unconscious
of the consequence, talked, laughed, rode and sang
with Frank, never thinking that she was thus confirming Lida
in a belief, which would tend to remove Dr. Lacey farther
and farther from her. Could Lida have heard a conversation,
which, one evening, took place between Mrs. Cameron
and Fanny, different, very different would have been the report
which she carried back.

One evening as Fanny, Lida and Gertrude were walking
upon the piazza, a servant came, saying that Mrs. Cameron
desired to see Miss Middleton in her room. Fanny immediately
obeyed the summons, and as soon as she had gone,
Lida laughingly congratulated Gertrude upon the prospect
of having so pleasant a sister. Gertrude smilingly received
Miss Gibson's congratulations, “for,” thought she, “even if
Fanny does not marry Frank, Miss Gibson will probably never
know it, as she is to leave in a few days.”

Let us now with Fanny repair to Mrs. Cameron's room,


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but not like her wondering why she was sent for. We well
know why, and consequently are prepared for the look of
mingled indignation and astonishment, which appeared on
Fanny's face when she learned that Mrs. Cameron was pleading
the cause of her son! Fanny answered, “Madam, I have
always entertained the highest respect for your son, but I
must confess it is lessened if it is with his knowledge you are
thus speaking to me.”

Mrs. Cameron, who had at first intimated that it was
Frank's request that she should thus intercede for him, now
saw her mistake, and veering about, declared, what indeed
was true, that Frank was wholly ignorant of the whole.
Then followed a long eloquent speech, in which Mrs. Cameron
by turns tried to coax, flatter, importune, or frighten
Fanny into a compliance with her wishes, but Fanny could
only repeat her first answer. “I cannot, Mrs. Cameron, I
cannot marry Frank. I acknowledge that I like him, but
only as I would love a brother. Further remonstrance is useless,
for I shall never marry him.”

“And why not?” asked Mrs. Cameron. “Do you love
another? Are you engaged to another?”

“I cannot answer these questions,” said Fanny. “Frank
knows my reason and has my permission to give it to you.”
Then rising, she added, “I suppose our conference is now
ended, and with your leave I will retire.”

Mrs. Cameron nodded her head in assent and Fanny immediately
left the room. A moment after she quitted the
apartment, Gertrude entered, all impatience to know her
mother's success.

“Baffled, baffled,” was Mrs. Cameron's reply to her interrogatories.
“I can do nothing with her. She is as stubborn
as a mule, and we shall either have to conjure up for
some reason why the engagement was broken off, or else run
the risk of being well laughed at among our circle in New-York.”


Page 262

A few days after this, Lida Gibson started for the south,
promising Fanny that she would see Julia as soon as possible
after her return home. Ere long Mrs. Cameron too was
seized with a desire to return to the city. The remainder of
the party made no objections, and accordingly Mr. and Mrs.
Stanton, Mrs. Cameron, Frank and Gertrude were soon in

Soon after their return, Mrs. Cameron said, in speaking of
Fanny, “that 'twas quite doubtful whether Frank would marry
her or not. She was so young, and had, too, so many
suitors in Kentucky, that she probably would soon forget him,
and for her part she was pleased enough to have it so!”