University of Virginia Library



The President reported that he had established a University Long-Range Planning Committee to
report to him on the educational and physical needs of the University for the period 1960-1975.
The first task assigned to the Committee was to advise the President on the capital outlay requests
to the State Capital Outlay Commission for the period 1962-1968. The Committee is to submit an
outline of its work program to the President by November 1960 and a final report not later than
May 1961

The membership of the Committee is as follows: Mr. Frank A. Geldard, Dean of the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences, Chairman, Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Associate Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Almand R. Coleman, Professor of Accounting in the Graduate School of
Business Administration, Mr. Weldon Cooper, Administrative Assistant to the President, Mr. Frederick
D. Nichols, Associate Professor of Architecture, Mr. Marvin B. Perry, Jr., Dean of Admissions,
Mr. Vincent Shea, Comptroller, Mr. Edward C. Stevenson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Mr.
Joseph L. Vaughan, Chancellor for Community Colleges, Mr. John C. Wyllie, Librarian, and Mr. Daniel
J. Meador, Associate Professor of Law, Secretary.