University of Virginia Library


The President presented a proposed meeting schedule for 1960 which, he explained, would
depart from the regular "second Saturday" dates in February and June. The meeting date of
20 February 1960, rather than 13 February 1960, was suggested in order to permit President
Shannon and Chancellor Simpson to attend the meeting on 13 February 1960 of the Association
of Virginia Colleges of which Mr. Simpson is President. The recommendation to change the Annual
Meeting date in June from Saturday, 11 June, to Friday, 10 June, was made in order to permit
the President to carry out his annual assignments on the Saturday of Finals to speak to the
Alumni Association and to preside over the meeting of the General Faculty at noon at which
time all degrees are approved.

The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the dates for the regular meetings of the Board of Visitors during 1960 shall be as follows
(1) 20 February 1960, (2) 9 April 1960 (Fredericksburg), (3) 10 June 1960 (Annual Meeting),
(4) 8 October 1960, and (5) 10 December 1960.