University of Virginia Library


The President stated that the full amount of the tuition increases authorized by the Board at
its meeting on 13 June 1959 was not needed because the new salary plan as finally approved by the
Governor did not require for its implementation the total revenue which would have been realized.
He reminded the Board that the increase had been set at $50 per year for Virginia students and $100
per year for out-of-state students, except for students in the Graduate School of Business Administration
and out-of-state students in the School of Law. President Shannon further asserted that he
had authorized a decrease in the tuition charges to $40 per year for Virginia students and $80 per
year for out-of-state students. This action became necessary because the Board in its resolution of
13 June 1959 had directed that the entire amount of the additional revenue accruing from the tuition
raise be used exclusively for financing the increase in faculty salaries. He recommended that the
tuition rates as reduced be approved.

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the amount of revenue accruing from the tuition increase authorized by the Board at
its meeting on 13 June 1959 would have produced more revenue than was needed for the support of the
faculty salary plan as finally approved by the Governor,

Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the action of President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr. in reducing the tuition
increases to $40 per year for Virginia students and $80 per year for out-of-state students, except for
students in the Graduate School of Business Administration and out-of-state students in the School
of Law, is hereby approved.