University of Virginia Library


The President reported on the space released in the YMCA Building as a result of the move of
the various student offices to Newcomb Hall. He proposed that he be authorized to enter into
negotiations with the YMCA Board for the purpose of arranging a long-term lease for use of the
building by the Division of Extension and General Studies now housed in Cabell Hall in space
shortly to be needed by the College of Arts and Sciences. The cost of renovation was estimated
to be approximately $100,000


After a discussion of both the possibility of purchase of the property and the arrangement
of a long-term lease, the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the President be and he is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations with the YMCA Board
as to the costs involved of either a long-term lease or purchase of the YMCA property and,
further, that the President be authorized to take final action on the matter with the approval
of the Executive Committee