University of Virginia Library


Whereas It has come to the attention of the general public through
news stories that President Colgate W. Darden has expressed an
intention of retiring from the exacting duties of President of the
University sometime in the near future, and

Whereas The staff of the Extension Division is this day gathered
in regular meeting and is cognizant of the aforesaid news stories, and


Whereas The entire membership of this staff is unanimous in
recognizing the valuable contribution which President Darden has
made to the University of Virginia and to the entire field of public
education in Virginia during his tenure of office, and

Whereas It is the belief of the members of this staff that the
continued progress of the work of the University will be much
enhanced by the continued leadership of President Darden,

The membership of the staff of the Extension Division joins
unanimously in asking that this resolution be sent to President Darden
expressing the hope that he will withhold his plans for retirement in
the near future and pledges the continued cooperation of the staff
individually and collectively in continuing to work for his
objectives in bringing the services and influence of the University
to an even higher level of effectiveness for the people of the
Commonwealth of Virginia.

Be it further ordained that copies of this resolution be sent to
President Darden, to Mr. Frank Talbott, Jr., Rector of the Board of
Visitors, to Mr. Francis L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary of the Board
of Visitors, and filed with the minutes of this meeting of the
Extension Division Staff

/s/ Howard R. Richardson
For the staff of the
Extension Division,
Howard R. Richardson,
Acting Secretary