University of Virginia Library


Mrs. Smith reported informally to the Board on decisions reached and matters under
consideration by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, as follows:

(1) The Committee's decision to use in the construction of the new student activities
building (Newcomb Hall) brick sample No. 4, as at present displayed opposite West Range, minus
the dark headers, but with the mortar slightly darkened.

(2) Dean Abbott's request, as set forth above.

(3) Dr. Sterling Decker's request for an alteration in the right of way to the Bernard
Chamberlain tract between the University and the Red Cross tract, so that he could complete the
purchase of the tract from Mr. Chamberlain and develop it.

(4) The request from the Phi Delta Theta fraternity to lease a building site between Scott
Stadium and the Filtering Plant, carried over from the June meeting, and an additional request
for land in the same area from the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity.

(5) The projected restoration of the interior of the Rotunda to its Jeffersonian
arrangement that prevailed from 1826 until the Great Fire of 27 October 1895.

(6) The suggestion for a master plan for University grounds development.

(7) The error made at the June meeting in assigning to Dean Fitz Patrick the house on
East Range, it having since developed that Dr. David C. Wilson wishes to continue occupying the
house for the present.

The Board resolved as follows. (1) That the requests of Dean Abbott and Dr. Decker be
referred back to the Committee with authority to act; (2) That the fraternity requests be
referred to the Committee for careful study, in consultation with President Darden and his
deputies, and for a report and recommendation to the Board at its next meeting; (3) That
further consideration of the Rotunda restoration be deferred until Professor Nichols should
complete and set up on the main floor of the Rotunda his model of its original interior, as
commissioned by the Board; (4) That consideration of a master plan be deferred, and that the
Committee in its further study of the University's physical plant take into account the existing
ground plans and give particular thought, in consultation with the President, to the future
development of the Scott Stadium area; and (5) That the assignment of Dr. David C. Wilson's
house on Fast Range to Dean Fitz Patrick be rescinded.