University of Virginia Library


The President and the Chancellor informed the Board of negotiations in progress with the
City of Fredericksburg for the acquisition by the College as a site for the new science building,
of the land adjacent to the campus and surrounding the City Reservoir. The City in turn desires
to acquire from the College a portion of the Brompton Tract as a site for a new armory. The City
proposes to convey to the College all of the reservoir property, the City retaining the use of
the reservoir proper as it is now until such time as it provides new reservoir facilities.
Should an emergency arise requiring enlargement of the present facilities, the City would be
limited to raising the existing concrete wall not exceeding four (4) feet above the present
level. In exchange for the reservoir property, the College proposes to pay the City $8,000 and
convey to the City seven acres of land located on the northeast corner of the Brompton tract
fronting on the east side of U. S. Alternate Route 1.

In the discussion of the proposal, Mr. Simpson said that the Board's approval in principle
to the proposed exchange was requested at present, and that details as worked out by the
attorneys would be laid before the Board later when the Visitors would be asked to approve a
specific contract. Mr. Darden noted that the price was high, but that the site was needed and
the proposal seemed to be as good a bargain as could be made. Mr. Gravatt requested that the
appraisals be submitted to the Board at the time the contract is presented, so that they could
be made a part of the record.

The Board resolved that the proposed exchange as outlined above be approved in principle,
subject to final approval by the Board of a contract to be considered later.