University of Virginia Library


Mr. Gray, as Chairman of the Committee on Outlying Real Estate, inaugurated a discussion of
the eight-acre tract of land in Falls Church willed to the University, subject to a life interest
now held by two sisters aged 73 and 79, by the late Joseph Harvey Riley. The Town Council of
Falls Church desired to purchase it, Mr. Gray reported, for $58,000 as the site of a civic center,
and he had accordingly obtained appraisals, one of which had been for $38,000 and two for
approximately $56,000.

It appeared in the discussion that followed that the two life tenants are now seriously
handicapped by the burden of paying the taxes on the land, that the Falls Church authorities are
willing to purchase the tract and give a life lease to the two Riley sisters

There was disagreement as to whether the Falls Church offer ought to be accepted, but
general concurrence in an opinion that tax relief ought to be provided for the two sisters if
that could be done without prejudice to the University's interest in the property.

Two resolutions were adopted by the Board, as follows

RESOLVED that Mr. Gray's Committee explore with the Falls Church authorities the
possibilities of joint development of the Riley tract by the University and by the Corporation of
Falls Church

RESOLVED that Mr. Gray shall refer to Mr. C. Venable Minor the following four questions and
request his opinion upon them as Special Counsel to the University:

  • (1) If the University retains the Riley land, what steps can be taken (consistent
    with the University's interests) to relieve the tax burden for the two life tenants?

  • (2) Can the Riley real estate be condemned for public use?

  • (3) If the University sells this Falls Church real estate, what freedom will the
    University then have, under the terms of Joseph Harvey Riley's will, as to the use
    of the money realized from the sale?

  • (4) If the University acquires full title to this real estate, will it then be
    subject to taxes?