University of Virginia Library


The Rector, advising the Board that Mr. Bernard Mahon had withdrawn his request to appear
at today's meeting, asked President Darden to comment on the administrative situation at Mary
Washington College

Mr. Darden reported on the discussion he had held with a group of seven persons at
Fredericksburg relative to the College and its future. He had told this group that he favored
the appointment of an executive vice-president for the College who would ultimately succeed
to the presidency. President Darden felt that the Board had followed a wise course in handling
the administrative problem at Mary Washington College, and that this course should be followed
at least until next year, and administered with firmness, because it provided the best hope
for avoiding injurious dissension and obtaining of effective operation of the College. He
also recommended the retention of Mrs. Harris as Dean for at least one more year for the sake
of continuity