University of Virginia Library


President Darden stated that increasing enrollment will probably make it necessary in
future to withdraw for general use by students of the College the University dormitory which
has previously been leased to the Army for use of the Judge Advocate General's School. It
has been proposed that a dormitory to house one hundred students be erected to the
south of Clark Hall especially for the Judge Advocate General's School, and leased to the Army
for that purpose for five-year periods. Mr. Darden said that in the absence of objection from
the Board he would proceed with preliminary planning for such a building, subject to future
approval of financing arrangements by the Governor. In the discussion it developed that
having the School attached to the School of Law has been highly satisfactory both to the
University and to the Army, which is eager to continue the arrangement. In the event of the
Army's withdrawal at the end of a five-year lease, the structure could be used for students
of the Law School or other University schools and the remaining debt retired from room rentals