University of Virginia Library


Mr. Talbott, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, presented the following report:


The undersigned committee recommends that the following be stated as the policy of the
University concerning grants-in-aid to students from funds supplied by the University of Virginia
Alumni Association or the Virginia Student Aid Foundation.

1. The purpose of the named organizations to provide funds for the education of qualified
students is recognized and considered to be desirable.

2. Funds or securities provided for such grants-in-aid shall be deposited with the
Bursar of the University and, after acceptance as hereinafter provided, shall be applied by him
toward payment of University fees and the reasonable cost of board, room, laundry and books
incurred by students to whom award shall be made.

3. The Committee on Scholarships, Loans, and Employment will have responsibility to
make all such awards upon nominations of the donors, respectively. If any nominee is rejected
by the Committee, it may not make an award to another not so nominated

4. Funds deposited with the Bursar unexpended and uncommitted for grants-in-aid shall
be refunded to the donor by the Bursar, on written request therefor

5. Awards shall be available only to students in good academic standing and to prospective
students, but conditioned as to the latter upon their meeting established entrance requirements

6. Such grants-in-aid shall be awarded and administered in strict compliance with the
rules and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association

7. The Board of Visitors will, by resolution, accept funds or securities deposited with
the Bursar, by the donors respectively, for disposition under the conditions here specified

Respectively submitted,
/s/ Frank Talbott, Jr., Chairman
/s/ Whitwell W. Coxe
/s/ Bm W. M


Mr. Gay did not participate in the discussion nor have a chance to present his views
concerning this matter, being unable to attend either the committee meeting or the Board meeting.

Mr. Talbott stated that all parties concerned had approved the proposal with the exception
of the Student Aid Foundation, which wished more restrictions placed on the award of the
scholarships. After discussion of the matter, the Board received the report in tentative form and
requested the Secretary to have the report mimeographed and distribute copies to the members of the
Board of Visitors, the Director of Athletics, the President of the Alumni Association, the Chairman
of the Advisory Council on Athletics, and the President of the Student Aid Foundation.

The Chairman of the Athletic Committee was requested to meet with the Director of
Athletics and arrange a conference with the officers of the Student Aid Foundation to attempt to
reconcile their views with the report of the Athletic Committee. If unable to get their agreement,
the Chairman should request suggestions which could be presented to the Board at its next