University of Virginia Library


The President presented a letter from the Dean of the School of Education, proposing a
reorganization of the training in Nursing Education at the University, as set forth in the following

The School of Medicine, the School of Education, and the Director of the University
Hospital recommend with the approval of the University Senate that the University of Virginia
establish a Department of Nursing incorporating the present Cabaniss Memorial Department of Nursing
Education and the Department of Nursing in the School of Medicine into a single administrative unit
with its own chairman, faculty, and budget, functioning under the joint control of the School of


Medicine, the School of Education and the University of Virginia Hospital. (It is suggested that
such control could be exercised by a joint committee of these three divisions of the University
on which the chairman of the Department of Nursing would serve in an ex officio capacity).

It is further recommended that the New Department of Nursing offer the programs leading
to the degree of B. S. in Nursing and diploma in Nursing through the School of Medicine, a program
leading to the degree of Master of Education (in Nursing Education) through the School of Education,
and a program in Practical Nursing through the University of Virginia Hospital.

A resolution was adopted approving the above program, subject to the President securing
the approval of the new Dean of the Medical School for this proposal.