University of Virginia Library


Mr. Carrington asked that the Board consider the possibility of lifting the ban of first-year
students participating in varsity athletics. Mr. Carrington stated that all of the teams
whom we have scheduled in football would use freshmen and that it handicapped our coaches not to
be able to do likewise.

The President stated that the Athletic Director had not raised with him the question of
participation of first-year students in varsity athletics for the current session. It is important
that all requests come through the Director of Athletics to the President for presentation to the

The President pointed out that the Athletic Director had appeared before the University
Senate last year and asked that the ban be lifted for the 1951-52 session only. In bringing his
request, the Athletic Director stated that neither he nor his coaches would come back to the
Senate and request a further extension of the ban.

After discussing the matter, a resolution was adopted requesting the President to confer
with the Director of Athletics and such other persons as he deems proper concerning freshman
participation in varsity athletics, and to make a report to the Board at a special meeting to be
held when called by The Rector.