University of Virginia Library


The Secretary explained a proposal of the officers of the Class of 1952 to establish a class
affiliation fee. The proposal read in part:

"It is recommended that a class fee be included with a student's regular tuition that would
take care of all graduation and finals weekend expenses.

"We fully realize that there is a tendency to place many charges along with a student's
tuition but it is felt that the advantages outweigh any objections to the addition of this fee. In
order to cover all the expenses of graduation, this fee would have to be approximately ...five ($5.00)
dollars per year for each year that a student is in school.... In the event that a student leaves
school for any reason before graduating, he will automatically receive a membership in the Alumni
Association for one year ($3.00 will be paid the Alumni Association) and the remainder of the fees
that he has paid will not be refunded but will be considered as fees for his membership of appropriate
graduating class.

"Under this plan, all graduates would be members of the class and be entitled to participate
in all of the functions of the finals weekend without being solicited for funds. The student would
not leave the University resentful but rather with a feeling of satisfaction that he was able to enjoy
a weekend without being worried with financial assessments. Also, the graduate would be a member of
the Alumni Association for one year which would enable them to keep in touch with the alumni and to
cultivate an interest in the Alumni Association.

"The class officers would not have to worry about whether a representative number would
affiliate with the class or whether the funds would be sufficient to take care of the expenses of the
weekend, and to give a gift to the University. The officers would know how much money they had to
work with and make plans accordingly.

"At the present time, the class organization is a collecting agency for funds to defray the
expenses of the weekend, provide for a class gift, and to solicit memberships for the Alumni Association.
This arrangement has also led to the anomaly of actually having two organizations among the
graduates, the graduates and the affiliates, all being technically members of the same class. It is
not necessary for a graduate to affiliate, therefore, the class officers have to sell the idea of the
class organization to lure and coerce each graduate into becoming a member. . . ."

A resolution was adopted establishing a five ($5.00) dollar fee to be assessed against each
student enrolled in the University, proceeds to be used annually for expenses of graduation and class