University of Virginia Library


The President read a letter from Professor Snavely, chairman of the Schools of Economics
and Business Administration, recommending that the University set up a separate Department of
Business Administration, for the following reasons:

(1) Establishment of a separate department would make for greater flexibility in the

(2) A separate department with its own dean and faculty would give to the students a
spirit of unity and cohesiveness which is not now possible to obtain.

(3) A separate department would make a strong appeal to graduates of Virginia high

The President pointed out that the students taking business administration would continue
to take a sizable number of courses in the College, but the curriculum would be prescribed
by the faculty of the Department of Business Administration. Mr. Gay inquired if there were a
comparable arrangement now in the University. The Department of Education requires its students
to take about half of their courses in the College. The President further stated that he believed
the College would be strengthened by the separation of business training, as it would leave in the
College only those students interested in a liberal arts degree.

A resolution was adopted authorizing the President to establish machinery to create a
separate Department of Business Administration, with the proviso that the course of study and the
degree or degrees to be offered be submitted to the Board for its approval prior to the inauguration
of such a curriculum