University of Virginia Library


The President read the following letter from Professor Snavely.

President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear President Darden:

Your letter of September 15th has been received and was considered at a meeting of the
faculty of the School of Economics held on September 19th. The ten voting members of the faculty
were all present. The following resolutions were passed:

"1. The letters written by Professor Wright to you and the Board of Visitors in
respect to Professor Barr were submitted on his own responsibility.

"2. The representation of the faculty provided through the Chairman of the School
is satisfactory. As long as it is jointly sponsored, we believe that there should
be close cooperation on the part of the designated representatives of the three
schools in respect to the work of the course, History 17-18.

"3. It is the opinion of our faculty that since the course appears to be essentially
a course in Political Science, it should be placed under the exclusive jurisdiction
of that School."

It is my understanding that all of the above resolutions were passed unanimously or
without a dissenting vote.

Sincerely yours,
(s) Tipton R. Snavely
Chairman, School of Economics
and Business Administration