University of Virginia Library


Mr. Gay presented the question of procedures now followed for investigating the political
ideologies of new faculty members and he asked that the President study this matter and make recommendations
to the Board. After discussion, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED that the President be asked to set forth the procedures now being followed in
checking the political ideologies of persons nominated for election to the faculty,

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President be asked to study this matter and make
appropriate recommendations to the Board to improve present practices.

President Darden stated that he believed a report in writing on the procedures now
followed should be made and that he would like to examine the matter informally with the presidents
of other institutions. In the early fall the presidents of American universities are meeting at
Yale, and the President would like to explore the matter with them at that time. He believes he
can make a report to the Board on this matter not later than the December meeting.

The President stated that after the Board had completed its hearings on the Woodrow
Wilson School, he should like to discuss with the Board his action with respect to the School.