University of Virginia Library

Elementary Education

Students at Mary Washington who wish to teach in high school may take as electives the
courses necessary to qualify for the Collegiate Professional Certificate. Their major, of course,
is in some academic subject, such as English, history, French, etc. They take a course in Secondary
Education and one in Supervised Teaching if they wish to qualify for the teaching certificate.

Students majoring in psychology have requested that we make available a six-hour elective
course in Elementary Education similar to the one in Secondary Education now offered. In
this way, students interested in working with children of elementary school age would be able
to take an elective course in this field similar to the one now offered prospective teachers in
high school.

The offering of such a course would not affect the cooperative program in education
now in operation by which the student takes her first two years at Mary Washington and the junior
and senior years in the Department of Education at the University of Virginia. This program is a
major in Education and leads to the degree of B. S. in Education. The six-hour course in Elementary
Education that is proposed for Mary Washington will be offered as on elective for students
majoring in psychology. Many of these students are now going into positions in which some acquaintance
with the principles and procedures of elementary education is highly desirable.

The offering of the courses mentioned above will not in any way affect the college as a
liberal arts institution, and as stated above, the Committee of the Board of Mary Washington
College unanimously approved both of these recommendations on February 27, 1951.

The following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and is hereby authorized to make available to students
majoring in psychology a six-hour elective course in Elementary Education similar to the one in
Secondary Education now being offered.