University of Virginia Library


The following resolutions were adopted.

RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. Harold E. Wager, Instructor in Ophthalmology, be and
the same is hereby accepted, effective February 15, 1950. We wish for him the highest success in
his new undertaking.

RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. Thomas H. Alphin, Assistant Professor of Anatomy,
be and the same is hereby accepted, effective February 16, 1950. We wish for him the highest success
in his new undertaking.

RESOLVED that the resignation of Dr. William Edward Bray, Jr., Instructor in Internal
Medicine, be and the same is hereby accepted, effective June 1, 1950. We wish for him the highest
success in his new undertaking

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Upon recommendation of the President, the following leaves of absence, promotion, elections,
and appointment were approved