University of Virginia Library


The President presented the following letter from the Compliance Committee of the
National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Dear President Darden:

Notice is hereby given to you as President of the University of Virginia that at the
next regularly called annual meeting of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, a motion
will be made to terminate the active membership of the University of Virginia in accordance with
the provisions of Article IV, Section 6(a), of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Constitution

The grounds upon which such motion will be based are as follows

That the University of Virginia has failed to maintain athletic standards in accordance
with the Constitution of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, to wit. Article III, Section
4, clause a, b or c, whichever clause may be applicable thereto, by granting financial aids
to athletes which exceed and are in violation of the provisions of the said Section IV

This notice is given to you in accordance with Article IV, Section 6 a (1).

Very truly yours,
(s) Ralph W. Aigler
University of Michigan
(s) James H. Stewart
Southwest Athletic Conference
(s) Clarence P. Houston
Tufts College
(s) James Lynah
Chairman of the Panel

A general discussion ensued and the President was then asked by Dr. Trout for an expression of his
views. He stated that he would like to renew the suggestion made at Richmond at the special meeting
of the Board on July 21, 1949, namely, that the University tender its resignation from the
Association if it found itself unable to comply with the regulations. The letter was referred to
the Athletic Committee with a request that a report be made at the next meeting of the Board.