University of Virginia Library


The Rector inquired of the President as to whether any consideration was being given to
changes in Route #250, lying between the Rotunda and Madison Hall. The President stated that he
thought an effort should be made to re-route much of the traffic now using #250 around the University,
since the congestion at the intersection of Rugby Road and #250 was very dangerous. The
President went on to say that he had given much time during the past year to the plans for new
buildings for the University and that he would like to suggest that careful study be given to a
long-range plan for the development of the University to the north.

He proposed: that the University acquire all the land lying between Route #250, Rugby
Road, Madison Lane and the C & O Railway - the acquisition to take place over a period of years,
that eventually Madison Hall be removed and the bowl be developed as a lawn with a building
comparable to Cabell Hall at the north and at the same distance from the Rotunda; that along the
sides there be constructed, as needed, academic buildings. He stated he thought it likely that
space west of Rugby Road might ultimately be required as well as space east of Madison Lane for
the construction of buildings, and that if such should be the case both Rugby Road and Madison
Lane would have to be relocated.

The President emphasized the fact that while many years and much money would be required
for the execution of such a plan, even if it were thought desirable, it could never be done at all
unless at some time the University authorities were prepared to agree upon and chart the course
to be followed. He urged that this be done now.

The Board expressed a lively interest in the proposal and asked the President to continue
his studies and to submit at a convenient date a rough draft of the plan. He stated that probably
several months would be required but that he would report again to the Board as soon as the plans
could be assembled.