University of Virginia Library


A called meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date at 8 o'clock P. M. with Visitors Buchanan,
Hall, Hart, Rinehart, Hull, Williams and McIntire, the
Rector, C. Harding Walker, and President Alderman present.

The minutes of the meeting of November 11, which
had been copied and mailed to the members were approved.

The President made the following announcements:

Registration for the winter session, 2,169.


From Mr. Robert C. Taylor, of New York City,
for the purchase and installation of a clock, to
be placed on the west end of the Mechanical
Laboratory, facing the Law Building 
From Alumni and other friends of the Law
School, for carrying on the work of the
Virginia Law Review 
From Mrs. William Corcoran Eustin, to the
Virginia Quarterly Review 
From Mrs. E. B. Ball, Muncie, Indiana, to
help some worthy student, or to be used in
such other way as may be deemed best by the
From Mrs. Lucy Harper Hall, of Chicago, a
set of "America", consisting of twelve volumes,
to perpetuate and advance American Ideals, and
to foster a higher regard and reverence for
the traditions of the Republic 
From former students and faculty colleagues, a
portrait of Dr. Theodore Hough, late Dean of
our Medical School, The portrait was done by
Mr. Alpheus Cole, of New York City. The total
cost, including a frame and insurance during
shipment, is 
Bequest of Mrs. Emily H. Thomas to Pediatric
work of the University of Virginia and to be
used in meeting a note given by Dr. Royster
in part payment of the Pediatric Building 


The President was requested to prepare and forward
resolutions of thanks on behalf of the Board for the gifts.

Upon the recommendation of the President, the following
leaves of absence, elections to the faculty and special
appropriations were made:

Leaves of Absence:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors, that a leave
of absence, with salary, less $1300 paid substitutes,
be granted Dr. Thomas Fitshugh, of the Latin Department,
for the remainder of this session, to undergo
medical treatment in Philadelphia.

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors, that a leave
of absence, with salary, be granted Dr. James C.
Bardin, of the School of Romance Languages, absence
to begin March 10, 1928, and continue through the
remainder of the session, being thus limited to the
third term. A satisfactory substitute will be provided
and paid for by Dr. Bardin. Dr. Bardin has
been detailed by the War Department for membership
on the General Staff, for a period of six months.

Election to the Faculty:

RESOLVED, by the Rector and Visitors, that Mr.
Garrard Glenn be, and is hereby, elected Professor
in the Department of Law, at a salary of $7,000.

Special Appropriations:

An appropriation for the library for the following



Cataloguing  $1,290 
Keeping Medical Library open
two extra hours 
Miss Dinwiddie, for July and
TOTAL  $ 1,640 
An appropriation for plumbing for
the proposed extension to the
Leander McCormick Observatory, and
painting the present building 
An appropriation of $250 additional
to be placed at the disposal of the
Research Committee, to meet growing
demands in connection with the publication
of the bulletin 
An appropriation for an additional
Laboratory Assistant in the Chemistry
An appropriation for the teaching relief,
at St. Anne's, of Mrs. Mary Jeffcott
Hamblin, Acting Adviser to Women at the
University, in order to permit her to
have morning office hours at the University,
as well as afternoon hours 
Total  $2,790 

Upon the recommendation of the Building Committee the
appointment of an architect for the proposed dormitories
was deferred until the April meeting of the Board.

The Buildings and Grounds Committee reported that
several fraternities had filed applications for building
sites on the grounds of the University, but, in view of
the necessity of securing a suitable location for the
proposed dormitories, it was deemed expedient to defer
making allocations to them at this time and also to withdraw
those previously made until further action, whereupon
the following motion, duly made and seconded, was adopted:

RESOLVED, That the applications for fraternity
house sites be deferred until a survey for dormitories
can be made, and that those sites heretofore
granted be withdrawn until the dormitory sites are

The following motion, duly made and seconded, was

RESOLVED, That it is the sense of this Board that
when an architect is selected for the dormitories,
a landscape architect be associated with him for the
purpose of presenting to the Board a plan for future
location of dormitories and fraternity houses.

On motion, duly made and seconded, the following
resolution creating the office of Business manager was


RESOLVED, That the position of Business Manager
of the University be and is hereby created. The
President is instructed to bring to the attention
of the Rector and Visitors the name or names of
suitable persons for this position, with recommendation
of such salary as may be required for this
post. This Business Manager shall have general charge
of all business affairs of the University, subject
to the authority of the Rector and Visitors and of
the President. It is desired that this office shall
become operative beginning with the session of 1928-29.

The Hopkins Society of the Sigma Nu Fraternity made
application for a loan of $21,000 on its chapter house
now being erected on Carr's Hill. The loan was granted
in the following motion, duly made and seconded, being

RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors approve the
application of the Hopkins Society of the Sigma Nu
Fraternity for a loan on its chapter house, now
in course of construction on Carr's Hill, not to
exceed $21,000, and in no case over 50% of the cost
of the house, and the Finance Committee is requested
to make said loan from funds available from the
endowment funds, on terms and conditions agreeable
to said Committee.

The General Athletic Association made application
for a site on the property of the University located on
Towles Road on which to erect a football stadium, and
the following action was taken thereon, the motion being
duly made and seconded, was adopted:

The Board heartily approves of the proposed football
stadium to be located on the grounds of the University,
but the exact location and plans cannot be approved
by this Board without reference to the proposed
Committee on sites for dormitories and fraternity

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

[Signed] C. Harding Walker
[Signed] E. I. Carruthers