Board of Visitors minutes February 14, 1921 | ||
February 14, 1921.
A special meeting of the Board of Visitors was held on this
date with the following members present: the Rector, John
Stewart Bryan, and Visitors W. R. Duke, Goodrich Hatton, Walter
T. Oliver, Alex. F. Robertson, Frederic W. Scott, and President
The minutes of the meeting of November 10th, having been
copied and sent to each member, were approved.
The President announced the following bequest and gifts:
A bequest of $20,000 by Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, of Boston.
A gift from Dr. George Ross of Richmond, 12,000 shares of
Ouray Consolidated Mining Company stock.A gift from the American Association for Advancement of
Science of $200 to Cobb Chemical Laboratory for research
work.A gift of a picture of Dr. Wm. Holmes MacGuffey from the
MacGuffey Society of Columbus, Ohio.A gift from William A. Clark, Jr., enlargement of the moon
photographed at Mt. Wilson Observatory; specimen of
gold quartz; and "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick
Club".A gift from Mrs. Bayard Stockton, picture of a scene in
the Artic Region by Elisha Kent Kane, her uncle.A gift from John Armstrong Chaloner, a picture -supposed
Rubens', for Art Department.A gift from Mrs. Kate Cabell Cox, "The Old Silver of
American Churches" by E. Alfred Jones, of England.
The President was requested to send, on behalf of the Board,
to each of the above donors appropriate resolution expressing
its appreciation for the respective gifts.
The President brought to the attention of the Board a
conditional gift by Col. Eugene C. Massie of Richmond, of 17
athletic field, for the purpose of constructing a lake and also
a site for the new gymnasium adjoining the proposed lake, of
such size and location as may be deemed suitable and convenient,
upon the condition that the University erect and maintain a
dam for the impounding of the waters for the said lake and do
certain grading. The matter was carefully considered and the
following resolution unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors, That our thanks be extended
to Hon. Eugene C. Massie for his liberal offer of a certain
parcel of his land upon certain conditions.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That we regret, in view of the conditions
imposed, we are under the necessity of declining the generous
offer of Col. Massie.
The President presented a report by Prof. Chas. Hancock
in connection with the proposed heating plant for the University,
copies of which had been mailed to members of the Board.
After some discussion of the matter, on motion of Mr. Oliver, the
thanks of the Board were extended to Prof. Hancock for his able
and exhaustive report on the heating question. The matter was
then re-committed to the Heating Committee with the request
that they report as speedily as possible for a definite plan.
The following resolution was received from Miss Rachel E.
Gregg, President of the Virginia Branch of the National Council
of Administrative and Executive Women in Education, adopted by
request that it be considered by the Board and that they take
some steps toward granting broader recognition to women, but
no action was taken:
WHEREAS the State Council of Administrative and
Executive Women in Education in annual convention assembled
note with deep regret that women are not admitted to the
professional schools of the University of Virginia on an
equal basis with men, and
WHEREAS the Council deems that one of the greatest services
which the University can render to the State is the
training of women for leadership, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the State Council of Administrative and Executive
Women in Education request that the University of
Virginia admit women to its professional schools on an
equal basis with men.
The following resolution with respect to the admission
of women to the Law School on the same terms as men, beginning
with the session of 1921-22, adopted at a meeting of the law
faculty on January 29th, was presented and defeated by the following
vote: ayes, Duke and Robertson; nos, Bryan, Hatton, Oliver
and Scott:
RESOLVED, That the law faculty recommends to the Rector and
Visitors of the University that women be admitted to the Law
School on the same terms as men, beginning with the session
The following resolution of the law faculty raising the
standard for admission to the Law School was adopted by a vote
of five to one, Mr. Oliver voting "no":
RESOLVED, That as a condition for admission to the Law School
as a regular student, to become operative for the session
1922-23, it shall be required:
1. That the candidate shall have attained the age of
nineteen years of age, counting to the nearest birthday.
2. That the candidate shall have completed successfully
at least two years of work in a recognized institution of
collegiate rank.
Mr. Duke presented the following resolution with respect
to the admission of women to the University, which was
defeated by a vote of five to one, Mr. Duke voting "aye":
RESOLVED, That beginning with the session 1921-22 the University
of Virginia shall be open to women on the same terms as
Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Graduate
Department, and the approval of the President, the following
resolution amending the regulations admitting women to the
Department of Graduate Studies, was adopted, Mr. Hatton
voting "no":
RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, That Section 2 of the resolution for admission of
women to the University of Virginia, adopted at a meeting of
the Board February 19, 1920 and spread upon page 167 of the
minute book, be amended and readopted as follows:
Section 2. Admission to the Department of Graduate Studies.-
To be admitted to the Department of Graduate Studies women must
hold a baccalaureate degree from a standard college or a standard
State normal school offering a four year course. Graduates
of normal schools who become applicants for higher degrees,
may be prescribed by the Committee on Rules and Courses of the
Graduate Department.
The President presented to the meeting a statement from
Prof. J. L. Newcomb, Chairman of the Centennial Celebration
Committee, in which it was estimated that the cost of the centennial
celebration would be about $35,000. After some discussion
of the probable cost of financing both the endowment
movement and the centennial celebration, it was decided to have
Prof. Newcomb make up and mail to each member an outline of the
program, together with the probable cost of each future thereof.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Theodore Hough, chairman
of the Hospital Board, and appropriation of $110 was made to
care for the increase in salaries of two members of the hospital
staff for the remainder of the fiscal year.
The following letter was received from the American
Security and Trust Company of Washington, D. C., trustee under
the will of the late Rev. Randolph H. McKim:
the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Va.
We enclose you herewith a copy of the will of
the late Reverend Randolph H. McKim, this company having
been appointed executor of the decessed's estate by the
Probate Court of the District of Columbia.
You will note upon examination of the will
that the University is the ultimate beneficiary of a
certain portion of the estate, the total appraised
up to this time being of the value of about $170,000.
Dr. McKim at the time of his death was insured
in the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York at
$6,000, the proceeds of the policy being payable to
his children. A number of years ago Dr. McKim's
son died intestate and leaving no issue. Under the
laws of the District one-third of the proceeds of this
policy, namely $1992.68, becomes a part of Dr. McKim's
estate. Mrs. McKim called at this office a few days
ago and asked us if there was any way in which this
money could be distributed to the two daughters, as she
states that it was Dr. McKim's intention that the two
daughters were to receive the total proceeds of the policy,
he not having any idea that on account of his son's death
any portion of the policy would fall into his (Dr.
McKim's) estate. We informed Mrs. McKim that if the ultimate
beneficiaries of the estate, namely, your institution
and the Theological Seminary, would consent to our
paying this money over to the daughters, we would raise
no objection to its not being considered a part of the
We will greatly appreciate your giving this matter
your early attention and if, after going into the matter,
it is found agreeable that this fund be turned over
to the daughters, notifying us to this effect by a
letter under the signature of the proper officer
authorized to give such consent for the University.
Assistant Trust Officer.
The foregoing matter was disposed of in the following
resolution offered by Mr. Hatton, and unanimously adopted:
In the matter of the communication of the American Security
and Trust Company, trustee under the will of the late Dr.
Randolph H. McKim under date of May 28, 1920, and requesting
the release by the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia of its right to certain funds.
RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, they have no right to make such release
The President advised the Board that on the night of
December 24th a fire of unknown origin partially destroyed
the Physiological Laboratory, located at the northern end of
West Range, together with a part of its contents. The damage
to the building has been adjusted at $4,800, being fully
covered by insurance, and the damage to the contents was adjusted
at $4,700 being covered by $4,000 of insurance. The
building is being restored.
The question of determining upon a policy for the return
of fees to students upon leaving the University during the
session was referred to the President, Dean and Bursar, to
report at a subsequent meeting.
Dr. Lindsay Rogers, Associate Professor of Political
Science, absent on leave for the present session, tendered
his resignation, to take effect September 15, 1921, which was
A letter was presented from Mr. McLane Tilton requesting
an extension of an option on abuilding site for a fraternity
house for the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. The Board declined to
extend the option, but authorized the secretary to advise
Mr. Tilton that if the site was unoccupied when the fraternity
was ready to begin building operations, the Board would be glad
to consider his application.
With respect to the application of the Virginia Omicron
Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon for a building site on which to
that a definite proposition should be presented when the
fraternity was ready to begin building operations.
An application from the Psi Chapter of the Theta Chi
Fraternity for a lot on the grounds of the University and a
loan of not less thant $18,000, with which to erect a fraternity
house, was presented. The Secretary was directed to advise the
said fraternity that the Board was not in position to grant the
The following resolution was received from the Virginia
League of Women Voters:
WHEREAS, the University of Virginia has been unique
among State Educational institutions of the United
States in establishing a separate department of Citizenship
Education under its Bureau of Extension, be it
RESOLVED, That we, the District Directors of the Virginia
League of Women Voters desire to thank the University
for the opportunities thus offered to the people of
the State, and be it further
RESOLVED, That we urgently request that courses and single
lectures offered by the Citizenship Department
be listed and explained in all circulars and Bulletins
announcing any Extension Courses and lectures, (except
those purely local in character where such courses
are not given), and that the full backing of the
Department be given in the organization of the
classes in all towns, and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to Dr.
E. A. Alderman, Professor Charles G. Maphis, and to
each member of the Extension Committee.
The application of H. S, King, representing the Coleman
estate, to lease a building site between the post-office and
the C. & O. Railroad fronting on Main Street, was received,
and the Secretary was requested to ascertain from Mr. King
annual rental he would be willing to pay.
The following communication was received from the
Assistant State Accountant with respect to the examination
of the accounts of the Bursar's Office:
University, Virginia.
I have examined the accounts of the University
of Virginia, as carried in the Bursar's office, for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 1920, and found them to be
Ass't. State Accountant.
The meeting then adjourned.
Board of Visitors minutes February 14, 1921 | ||