University of Virginia Library


A special meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held
on this date at 8 Oclock P. M. There were present Rector
Gordon and Visitors Craddock, Michie, Irvine, Stearnes, Turnbull
and Walker, and President Alderman.

President Alderman announced the following gifts to the

  • Flag pole from Mr. P. G. McIntire, (Cost $2250.)

  • Memorial to McConnell from French Government,

  • Memorial to McConnell from friends,

  • Library from Miss Mary P. Morriss,

  • Library from President J. D. Eggleston, V. P. I.,

  • Barometer to Physical Laboratory from A. M. Steger,

  • Portrait of John Herndon Maury, by Mrs. J. H. Werth,

  • Scientific Journals to Engineering Library by Mr. Weaver.

President Alderman stated that he had received an invitation
from the British Government to visit Great Britain at an
early date in company with other Americans to prosecute what
is known as the Anglo-American Educational Campaign, and that
while he desired very much to have a part in the work in hand,
yet he felt that he could not leave the University at this time,


and that if it were possible for him to get away later, he might
avail himself of the opportunity. While no formal action was
desired by the President in the matter at this time, yet it
was the consensus of opinion of the Board that he be granted
the leave if he so desired.

It being brought to the attention of the Board that there
existed two vacancies in the Ryan Scholarships, caused by the
holders having entered the service of the United State, said
vacancies being in the Third and Fourth Districts, the Board
proceeded to fill the same for the unexpired terms, and the
following were appointed:

Third District,  Frank D. Leach, 
Fourth District,  E. Goodrich. 

The Board, upon being advised of the expiration of Dr.
J. M. page's term as a member of the State Board of Education,
and that it would be agreeable to him to serve another term,
unanimously nominated him to the Senate for re-election.

The Bursar submitted the following report as to items
of expenditure which exceeded the several appropriations, for
the year 1916-17, and asked that an appropriation be made to
cover, which was granted.

(Bursar's Report)

"I beg to submit the following report as to items of expenditure
which exceeded the appropriations for the year 191617,
and ask that the several amounts be appropriated, so that
my accounts may be properly closed:


Appropriation  Expenditure  Excess 
Advertising,  $3,300.00  3,411.03  111.03 
Alumni Bulletin,  1,200.00  1,202.05  2.05 
Catalogue,  1,850.00  2,062.82  212.82 
Stationery & Office Supplies,  500.00  675.68  175.68 
Stamps & Stamped Envelopes,  650.00  181.52  531.52 
Telephones & Telegraphing,  100.00  335.84  235.84 
Printing, all departments,  700.00  964.05  264.05 
Traveling expenses,  500.00  758.58  258.58 
Miscellaneous General Expense,  2,550.00  3,047.28  497.28 
INTEREST ON DEBT,  9,498.00  9,605.46  107.46 
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS,  30,669.00  31,887.00  1,218.0 
400.00  527.22  127.22 
Total,  $ 3,741.5 

(signed) E. I. Carruthers, Bursar.

An appropriation of $225. was made to cover the cost of repairs
to the Chapel furnace.

The sum of $1,000. remaining from the appropriation to
Alumni Secretary was transferred to the Advertising Fund to
cover campaign for students.

The Bursar reported that Leon R. Whipple had returned to
him the sum of $112.50, being one-half of the sum allowed
Mr. Whipple by the Board, following his dismissal from the
faculty of the University on November 27, 1917. The amount
granted was intended to cover his salary for December and January;
but Mr. Whipple stated that he did not feel that he was
entitled to the January payment, and therefore returned it to the

The following, offered by Mr. Michie, was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the action of Professors Lewis, Heck and Johnson
in enlisting in the Albemarle Rifles, Virginia Volunteers, be


and is hereby approved and commended.

A Bill to establish a college for women co-ordinate with
the University of Virginia, to be located at or near the University,
which certain advocates of the Co-ordinate College proposed
to have introduced in the General Assembly of Virginia,
was presented for consideration of the Board. Following a
general discussion of the proposed Bill, and the conditions
related to the establishment of such college at this time, during
which Prof. W. M. Thornton was heard in advocacy of the measure,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED: Though repeatedly committed by formal resolutions to
the wisdom of the establishment of a woman's college, co-ordinate
with the University of Virginia, the Rector and Visitors, in
view of the engrossing calls upon the energies of the state and
nation during the world war, deem it unwise at the time to press
the consideration of this measure on the attention of the General
Assembly of Virginia.

It having been brought to the attention of the Board by the
Bursar that the bond given the University by Dr. Philip Percy
Parrish, arising out of the settlement of the legacy to the University
under the will of the late Robert L. Parrish, has been paid
in full, necessitating the release of the lien to secure said
bond, the following action was taken:

RESOLVED: That the Rector of the University be and he is authorize
to release any and all liens in favor of the University of Virginia
upon the property of Dr. Philip Percy Parrish, arising out


of the settlement of the legacy to the University under the
will of the late Robert L. Parrish.

The request of Dr. W. H. Goodwin for a leave of absence,
beginning January 1, 1918, and continuing until the National
Government dispenses with his services, he having been detailed
for active service as Director of the University of Virginia
Base Hospital # 41, was granted.

It having been brought to the attention of the Board that
the resolution adopted at the November meeting, granting to
Prof. Francis H. Smith the use of Pavilion V, did not set out
on what date the usual rent would begin, it was ordered that
Prof. Smith should have the use of the house free of rent until
September 1, 1918.

President Alderman brought to the attention of the Board
the question of postponing the Centennial Celebration set for
October 1919, and stated that the Centennial Committee had acted
in favor of postponement. The minutes of the meeting of the
Committee, at which this action was taken, were read; whereupon,
the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the Faculty of the University having adopted the
following resolution in regard to the Centennial Celebration:

"Resolved, That the date of October 1919, set for the
Centennial Celebration, be cancelled; that the work of
gathering materials, records, etc., be continued as actively
as conditions will allow, and that the Centennial celebration
itself be postponed to such time in the future as it
may be feasible and possible to hold it."

the Rector and Visitors approve the action of the Faculty; and


that the Secretary of the Board be directed to communicate
a copy of this minute to the President of the General Alumni
Association, with the request that the Executive Committee
of the Association approve the action of the Faculty and Board.

The following offered by the Rector, was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the action of the Rector and the Chairman
of the Executive Committee, upon the legal advice of the counsel
for the University, in authorizing said Counsel to take the
necessary steps to intervene on behalf of the University of
Virginia, in order to test the liability of the personal property
conveyed by John Armstrong Chaloner for the benefit of the
University against levies of executions against said Chaloner
upon said personal property, and the further action of the
Rector in executing the necessary forthcoming bond incident to
said proceedings, be ratified and approved.

Questions touching salaries of H. H. Lannigan and W. P.
Lang were referred to the President and Mr. Michie for action.

The President went over the program of the needs of the
University for the ensuing biennium, to be presented to the
approaching meeting of the Legislature, which was approved by
the Board.

The meeting then adjourned.

[signed] R. T. Irvine
For Rector.
[signed] E. I. Carruthers