University of Virginia Library


A called meeting of the Board of Visitors was held on this
date at 8 o'clock to consider the needs of the University
which should be presented to the Legislature at its approaching
session, the question of establishing at the University a
college for women co-ordinate therewith, and such other matters
as may be presented.


There were present the Rector, Armistead C. Gordon, Wm.
H. White, Goodrich Hatton, John W. Craddock, Geo. R. B. Michie,
Dr. W. F. Drewry, Dr. Frank W. Lewis and Walter T. Oliver.

Dr. Alderman presented to the Board the schedule of
University needs which ought to be presented to the Legislature
for its consideration. The several items were
discussed at length, adopted and referred to the President
to be presented to the Legislature at the proper time.

The CoOrdinate College matter was disposed of in the
following resolution, offered by Mr. Michie and adopted by a
vote of six to two, as follows: AYES, Messrs. Gordon, Craddock,
Drewry, Lewis, Oliver and Michie, (6) NOES, Messrs. White and

WHEREAS, The conditions of our modern life render it
essential to the welfare of the State that young women
as well as young men, have access to collegiate training
in the arts and sciences, and,

WHEREAS, The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia believe that the most practical and efficient
mode of meeting this need would be found in the erection
of a woman's college near the University of Virginia, and,

WHEREAS, The Rector and Visitors are convinced that such
a woman's college can be established and conducted in
affiliation with the University without injuriously
affecting the life, spirit, and traditions of the Institution;


RESOLVED: That the Rector and Visitors recommend that the
General Assembly authorize them to establish and maintain,
as soon as sufficient funds are available by appropriation
or endowment, a college for white women, co-ordinate
with the College of the University of Virginia, wherein
shall be offered for women courses of instruction equal,
though not necessarily the same as those given in the
College of the State University for men, of equal breadth
and thoroughness, and of ndentical standards of teaching
and examination.


RESOLVED, further, that it is the sense of the Rector and
Visitors that such college for women be located on the
side of Charlottesville opposite the present site of the
University, and shall not be co-educational in character.

RESOLVED, further, that it is the sense of the Rector and
Visitors that a sum of money, not less than $100,000
is necessary as an appropriation to provide for the initial
expenses of building, equipping, and planning the college,
which sum shall be available when an equal amount shall
have been guaranteed to the Rector and Visitors from other

On motion, a committee of three, of which the Rector should
be a member, was authorized to co-operate with President Alderman
in presenting the aforesaid resolution to the Legislature.
The Rector appointed Mr. Craddock and Mr. Michie to serve with
himself on said committee.

The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity presented a petition to
the Board praying for the privilege of erecting a club house
on the vacant lot along west side of Rugby Road and between
the Kappa Sigma House and the C. & O. Railway.

Said petition was granted, subject to the terms and conditions
governing grants to fraternities, as adopted by the
Board December 2, 1907, the site to be approved by a committee
consisting of Dr. Alderman, Mr. Michie and Dr. Lambeth.

The matter of the Visiting Committee for the Observatory,
which was discussed at the last meeting of the Board without
action, was again brought to the attention of the Board by the
President, and, after a full discussion, the following offered
by Mr. White was adopted:

RESOLVED: That a committee is hereby appointed to be
known as the "Visitors Committee of the Leander McCormick
Observatory", whose duties shall be to make periodical
visits to the Observatory at the University, and make


such suggestions and recommendations to the Rector
and Visitors as may seem to them appropriate, and for such
action as the said Rector and Visitors may, in their discretion,
see fit to take, the relation of said Committee
to the University shall be terminable at the instance of
either party. The said Committee, until otherwise
determined by the Rector and Visitors, shall consist of
the following gentlemen,-the Rector, President, Dr.
Mitchell, Mr. McCormick, and Prof. Pickering of Harvard

The Bursar transmitted to the Board a letter he had
received from Mr. Herbert Noble, Trustee of the Frances. L.
Wilson Estate distributing the said estate in kind as agreed to
by the Board, and which is as follows:

E. I. Carruthers, Bursar,
University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Va.
Dear Sir:-

Re Wilson Estate.

In execution of the Decree of September 9th,
1915, of one of the Surrogates of New York County, I am
sending under separate cover, the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia one quarter portion of
the above estate, as follows:

  • Trustee's check for $728.99

  • Certificate # J 52690 for 25 shares of the Preferred

  • stock of the American Sugar Refining Company,

  • 1 Mobile & Ohio $1000. No. 7091

  • 1 Mobile & Ohio $500. 4% bond, No. 9863

  • 1 Scioto Valley & N. E. R. R. bond, No. 3594

  • 2 N. Y. Gas, Electric Light, Heat & Power Company
    bonds, Nos. 3150 & 15411.

I am sending you also for your files, copies of
Trustee's account to date, copy of decree, also receipt
and release, which kindly have signed and acknowledged
by the proper officers before a Notary, and return.

You will note from the enclosed supplemental
account of Trustee that the interest of $27.56 which has
accrued to the estate when the two odd N. Y. Gas, etc.
Company bonds were sent to you on the 4th inst, which
should have been included in the draft sent with the


bonds, has been deducted from the check.

Faithfully yours,
(signed) Herbert S. Noble,
As Trustee under the Will of
Frances L. Wilson, Deceased.

The Bursar stated that the cash and securities received
by the University under the foregoing distribution would be of
the value of about $7,500.

The following resolution authorizing the Rector to execute
a receipt and also a release in said estate, was adopted:

WHEREAS, Herbert Noble, as Trustee under the last will
of Frances Louise Wilson, deceased, has made a distribution
of the estate of said Frances Louise Wilson under an agreement
entered into by the life tenant, Dr. Henry F. Owsley,
Visitors and Governors of St. John's College, the Johns
Hopkins University, and the Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia, as Remaindermen, whereby the Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia have received
one-fourth of the corpus of said estate, said agreement
having been entered into on behalf of the said Rector
and Visitors of the University of Virginia by its Executive
Committee at a meeting held August 11, 1915, which act
is hereby ratified and confirmed, therefore, be it resolved,
by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
at a meeting held this 28th day of December 1915.

That the Rector is hereby authorized to execute on behalf
of said Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia a receipt and release to said Herbert Noble, as
Trustee under the last Will and Testament of Frances
Louise Wilson, late of the County and State of New York,

The following offered by Mr. Michie, was adopted:

RESOLVED, The contracts entered into between the University
and the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, executed by the Rector
on October 7th, 1915, be and are hereby approved, ratified and
confirmed, and ordered spread on the minutes.


The first contract provides for the use by the University
of the sewers of the City, under certain conditions and regulations,
in consideration of the sum of $9,125., and is as follows:

THIS CONTRACT made this 7th day of October, 1915, by
and between the City of Charlottesville, hereinafter called
the City, of the first part, and the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, hereinafter called the
University, of the second part


That for and in consideration of the sum of Nine
Thousand One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($9,125.00)
cash in hand paid by said University to said City, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said City
doth hereby grant to the said University the right to
use the sewerage system of said City in the following
manner, that is to say:

FIRST. Subject to the conditions hereinafter expressed,
the University shall have the right to discharge
its dewage into the sewers of the City of Charlottesville
at such points as may be necessary, upon any of the three
following sewer lines: — 1st. Into the new ten-inch
sewer line to be constructed by the City from a point
at its main line near the South end of the Ridge Street
extended, to a point on the North-west side of the
Southern Railway line, near the culvert through which the
University sewage now flows: — 2nd, It may connect the
building known as the University Dispensary with that
line of the City sewer most accessible thereto; —3rd,
for the purpose of providing sewerage facilities to the
Kappa Sigma Fraternity House and Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
House, it may run a line into the sewer known as "The
Dunnington Sewer", which is at present connected with
the City's general system, and with this last named line
that said University shall have the right to make such
connections as may be necessary to provide proper sewerage
for any other buildings that may be hereafter erected upon
that portion of the University's property which lies North
of the Fayerweather Gymnasium, and West of the Rugby Road,
it being distinctly understood, however, that the total
number of houses hereafter connected in this location shall
not exceed three. That is to say, only five buildings in
all shall be connected with said Dunnington Sewer.

In each case the location of such points of connection
with the City sewer and with the Dunnington sewer are to
be approved by the Mayor of said City, and its Committee
on Water and Sewers.


SECOND. The pipes to be used by said University
shall not exceed six inches in diameter at point of

THIRD. The said University may connect with said
ten-inch sewer line above referred to any or all buildings
now or hereafter erected upon land owned by it.

It is distinctly understood and agreed, however,
that no rain water or surface water of any kind is to be
discharged through such connection into the sewers of
said City, and the University covenants with the City
that it will require grease traps at all points where
domestic sewage or grease is to put into the system,
and will establish such rules and regulations in connection
with the use of the sewers as may be necessary
to conform to present sewer ordinances and regulations
of the City to prevent the discharge of material into
said pipes which is likely to obstruct or impair the
efficiency of the system.

It is further agreed and understood that the right
herein given to the University by the City to connect with
said sewers shall continue so long as the City shall maintain
a sewerage system.

This contract is executed in duplicate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City has caused its name to
be signed and its official seal affixed by A. V. Conway,
its Mayor, and the University has caused its name to be
signed and its official seal to be affixed hereto by
Armistead C. Gordon, Rector.

By A. V. Conway, Mayor.
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
E. I. Carruthers,
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
E.I. Carruthers,
By Armistead C. Gordon, Rector.

The other contract is between the City and University, and
provides for the payment by the City to the University of $5,000
per year for two years for erection of new wing, and $2,000 per
year in perpetuity for the support of the Hospital, and is as follows:


THIS agreement made and entered into by the City
of Charlottesville, a corporation hereinafter called the
City, party of the first part, and the Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, a corporation, hereinafter
called the University, party of the second part.

WITNESSETH: That whereas the University is about to
begin the erection of a new wing to its hospital for the
purpose of increasing its facilities for the
treatment of patients, and whereas the Council of the City
of Charlottesville by resolution adopted on the 31st, day
of May, 1914, has appropriated to the building fund for
said hospital the sum of $10,000, and directed that a
contract be executed providing for the payment of said
sum and regulating the admission of certain classes or
persons of the City to the hospital for treatment, and
providing for the annual payment of the sum of $2,000 to
the University for such services,

NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to said resolution and in consideration
of the benefits which will accrue to the City
from such increased facilities in said hospital, the City
doth hereby agree and bind itself to pay to the University
the sum of $10,000. the payment of the said sum of $10,000
shall be made at the times and in amounts as follows:
$5000 upon the execution of this contract and the residue
($5,000) on November 15th, 1916, but no interest shall be
paid on said sum or any part thereof.

And in addition to the payments to be made by the City
to the University, as provided above, the City agrees and
binds itself to pay to the University the sum of $2,000
annually, the year to begin on the first day of September,
1915. Such annual sum to be paid in installments of $500
each; the first installment to be due and payable on the
first day of December, 1915; the second installment on the
first day of March, 1916; the third installment on the first
day of June, 1916; and the last installment on the first
day of September, 1916; and this order of payment shall
be controlling through the succeeding or any subsequent
year during the continuance of this contract.

In consideration of the payment of the annual sum
of $2,000 above set forth, the University agrees and binds
itself to render to the City, until such time as it shall
be notified by the Mayor or other officers of the City,
that such services are no longer needed or desired, medical
and hospital services under the restrictions and provisions
herein contained.

1. The University will admit to its wards in its hospital
all needy patients, which shall also include needy persons


in the employment of the City, or persons on the City's
chain gang, or held in confinement under the law, when
requested to do so by the overseer of poor, the City
physician, the chief-of-police, the Mayor or district
nurse, if upon examination by a member of the hospital
staff such person or persons are found suitable for hospital
treatment; but cases of contagious diseases may not
be admitted to the hospital.

2. There shall be admitted to the hospital (not necessarily
to wards, but in proper cases to private rooms) the emergency
cases of injury occurring to persons serving the
City without compensation.

3. The hospital authorities shall have the right to discharge
such patients, when in their judgment, they no longer
require hospital treatment, or are not likely to be benefited
by further hospital treatment, such as chronic
diseases in patients who might be treated with equal benefit
in their homes or other places than the hospital.

It is further agreed and understood that the treatment
herein provided for shall include treatment of all indigent
cases at the dispensary as well as in the hospital.

It is agreed and understood by the parties hereto that
this contract in so far as it relates to the hospital
services, and the annual payment of $2000, as herein
set forth, may be terminated by either of the parties
hereto, upon 60 days notice to the other party of the intention
so to do.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the University has caused its
name to be hereto signed by Armistead C. Gordon, Rector,
and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and the
City has caused its name to be signed hereto and its corporate
seal to be hereto affixed, in this the 7th day of
October, 1915.

By Armistead C. Gordon, Rector.
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
E. I. Carruthers,
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
E. I. Carruthers,
By A. V. Conway, Mayor.

RESOLVED, The contract between the University and the Board
of Supervisors of Albemarle County, submitted by the Chairman of


The Executive Committee, be and is hereby approved, and the
Rector is hereby authorized to execute same for the University.

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by the Board
of Supervisorr of Albemarle County, hereinafter called
the Board, parties of the first part, and the Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia, a corporation,
hereinafter called the University, party of the second


THAT WHEREAS, The University has begun the erection
of a new wing to its Hospital for the purpose of increasing
its facilities for the treatment of patients; and

WHEREAS, The Board, by its resolution adopted
the 5th day of June, 1914, has has appropriated the sum
of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3500.00) per annum for
two years, payable January 1st, 1916 and January 1st,
1917, for the maintenance and support of said Hospital
for two years, and from and after the 1st day of January
1918, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per annum,
commencing January 1st, 1918, for the like maintenance and
support of said Hospital, said appropriation, however, not
to be paid until the construction of the new wing of
the Hospital is commenced and under way, and in consideration
of said appropriation the University is to take in
and treat at the said University Hospital and at the
Dispensary connected with the said University, or
elsewhere in Albemarle County, as may be mutually agreed
upon, the indigent sick and injured persons of this County,
a proper contract between said University and said Board
to be drawn and adopted, covering the points set out in
this resolution before a committee consisting of the Chairman
of the Board, the Attorney for the Commonwealth,
and Dr. H. S. Hedges, appointed to confer with the Board
of Visitors as to such contract; and the said Chariman,
the said Attorney, and the said H. S. Hedges having
duly conferred with the said Board of Visitors, this contract
is made between the said Board and the said University
as follows:-

IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of thirty-five
hundred dollars ($3500.00) for the years 1916 and 1917,
as aforesaid, and in consideration of the promise and obligation
hereafter to pay one thousand dollars (1000.00)
per annum, commencing January 1st, 1918, which this Board
hereby agrees to pay, the University agrees and binds itself
to render to the County, until such time as it shall
be notified by the proper authorities of said County that
such services are no longer needed or desired, medical
and hospital services under the restrictions and provisions
herein contained:


FIRST: The University will admit to its wards
in this Hospital, care for and treat free of all charges,
all needy patients properly chargeable to the County of
Albemarle, when requested to do so by any Overseer of the
Poor of the County, the County Physician, the Sheriff,
the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, or the District
Nurse, if upon examination by a member of the Hospital
Staff, such person or persons are found suitable for hospital
treatment, but cases of contagious diseases shall
not be admitted to the Hospital.

SECOND: There shall be admitted to the Hospital,
cared for and treated free of all charges, either in
wardsor in private rooms, as the authorities of the
Hospital may deem best, the emergency cases of injury
occurring to persons in the County of Albemarle, who
shall be certified to the Hospital authorities by any
of the above mentioned authorities of the County.

THIRD: The said Hospital will also treat such indigent
sick and injured persons of this County free of
charge, at such other places in Albemarle County as may
be mutually agreed upon between the said University and
the said Board.

FOURTH: The Hospital authorities shall have the
right to discharge such patients when in their judgment
they no longer require hospital treatment or are not
likely to be benefited by further hospital treatment,
such as chronic diseases in patients who might be treated
with equal benefit in their homes, or otherplaces than the

It is further agreed and understood that
the treatment herein provided for shall include treatment
of all indigent cases at the Dispensary, as well as the

FIFTH: It is agreed and understood by the parties
hereto that this contract in so far as it relates to the
Hospital services and the annual payment of one thousand
dollars ($1000.00) as herein set forth, may be terminated
by either of the parties hereto upon sixty days notice
to the other party of the intention so to do.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The University has caused its
name to be hereto signed by Armistead C. Gordon, Rector,
and its Corporate Seal to be hereto attached; and the
Board has caused the name of said County to be signed
hereto by R. H. Wood, Chairman, attested by its Clerk, and
under its seal, by order of said Board, passed at its
meeting held April 19th, 1916.


R. H. Wood, Chairman of it
Board of Supervisors.
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
W. L. Maupin, Clerk.
Armistead C. Gordon,
illustration[Description: (SEAL)]
E. I. Carruthers, Sec.

On motion, the Board adjourned, subject to call of the Rector.

[signed] Armistead C. Gordon
[signed] E. I. Carruthers