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The Galaxy Illustrated Library of Romance

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The Galaxy Illustrated Library of Romance

Comprising some of the popular first-class serials that have appeared in
Galaxy Magazine, and for which there is a demand in a separate and permanent
form. Stories from independent sources may from time to time be added to the
library. The following volumes are now issued, all elegantly illustrated:

Waiting for the Verdict, Cipher,
Archie Lovell, Put Yourself in his Place.
(In Press.)
Steven Lawrence Yeoman, Susan Fielding,
Galaxy Tales and Stories.
(Nearly Ready.)

The following notices of the above works give a critical estimate of the
authors and their productions:

STEVEN LAWRENCE YEOMAN. A Novel. By Mrs. Edwards. One
volume, octavo. Illustrated. Cloth, $2.00; paper, $1.25.

“The public verdict has already been passed, and has given her a front
rank among living novelists.”

Christian Freeman.

“It is a work of no small merit, and teaches a most excellent moral.”

Galesburg Free Press.

“There is something so natural in it all, so like `real life.”'


“With the exception of `George Eliot,' there is not one among the many
women writers of England who might not be proud of having written `Steven

New York Citizen.

CIPHER. A Novel. By Jane G. Austin. One volume, octavo. Illustrated.
Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.

“Cipher” reminds us in a vivid manner of the weird imagination and constructive
ingenuity of Poe, with a touch here and there of the subtler psychological
insight of Hawthorne.

PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE. A Novel. By Charles Reade, Author
of “Foul Play,” “Griffith Gaunt,” etc. One vol. octavo. Illustrated. Cloth.

SUSAN FIELDING. A Novel. By Mrs. Edwards, Author of “Archie
Lovell” and “Steven Lawrence Yeoman.” One volume, octavo. Cloth,
$2.00; paper, $1.25.

ARCHIE LOVELL. A Novel. By Mrs. Edwards. One volume octavo.
Illustrated. Cloth, $1.75; paper, $1.

“Mrs. Edwards is an artist. She has the dramatic instinct; she can delineate
a man or woman after nature—without caricature; hence the reality of her
impersonations and the vital interest of her stories. Who can forget Archie
Lovell? We seem to have known her personally; her dress, her manners, her
talk, her looks, her very nature are distinctly familiar.”

H. T. Tuckerman, in
Boston Transcript.

WAITING FOR THE VERDICT. A Novel. By Mrs. R. H. Davis,
Author of “Life in the Iron Mills,” “Margret Howth,” etc. One volume,
octavo. Illustrated. Cloth, $2.

SHELDON & COMPANY, Publishers,