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Financial Budget—University of Virginia—1914-1915 Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.


Financial Budget—University of Virginia—1914-1915
Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.







































From Grants by State: Anuity,  $80,000 00 
Repairs and Improvements,  8,000 00 
Hospital,  22,500 00 
Sewage Disposal Plant,  7,500 00 
Student's Loan Fund,  800 00  118,800 00 
From Endowments. 
Alumni Board of Trustees. General Purposes,  41,090 00 
Curry Fund,  4,550 64 
Barbour-Page Fund,  1,100 00 
Fuller Fund,  500 00 
Rives Fund,  250 00 
Cary Fund,  576 20  48,066 84 
Corcoran Fund (W. W. Corcoran donation)  6,000 00 
Miller Fund (Samuel Miller Bequest)  6,000 00 
Kent Fund (Linden Kent Chair Eng. Lit.)  3,048 00 
Vanderbilt Fund (Observatory)  4,100 00 
Cary Fund (Bible Lectureship)  2,400 00  21,548 00 
Library (6 Funds): Tree,  300 00 
Byrd,  460 00 
Paul,  32 00 
Madison,  156 00 
Gordon,  300 00 
Green (estimated)  4,000 00  5,248 00 
J. W. Scott Fund (Engineering Department)  200 00 
Rogers Fund (Physical Laboratory)  60 00 
Mason Fund (Fellowship)  210 00 
Phelps-Stokes Fund (Fellowship)  750 00 
Birely Fund (Scholarship)  250 00 
Merrick Fund (Scholarship)  100 00 
Brown Fund (Scholarship)  90 00 
Cabell Fund (Scholarship)  66 00 
Green Fund (Scholarship) (estimated)  1,200 00 
Skinner Fund (Scholarship)  1,900 00 
Herndon Fund (Scholarship)  850 00 
Folkes Fund (Scholarship)  1,200 00 
Bryan Fund (Medal)  8 00  6,884 00 
From Bequests and Donations: 
Austin Estate,  11,500 00 
James Estate,  5,500 00 
General Education Board,  3,000 00 
Adkins Donation,  6 00 
Ryan Scholarships,  3,000 00 
Blackford Prize,  50 00  23,056 00 
Forward:  223,602 84 
Brought Forward:  223,602 64 
From Students: 
Tuition, fees and rents, (900@$93.00)  83,700 00 
Old Notes and Accounts, (Prior to 1910)  2,000 00  85,700 00 
From Carnegie Fund for Retirement of Teachers:  12,579 72 
From Other Sources. 
Rents residences on Grounds,  6,400 00 
Interest on Deposits, etc.,  850 00  7,250 00 
Total Estimated Income,  329,132 56 
Estimated Expenditures. 
I. General Administration: 
(a) Salaries: 
Edwin A. Alderman, President,  8,000 00 
J. M. Page, Acting President, 2 1/2 mos.  312 50 
Howard Winston, Registrar,  1,000 00 
Secretary & Stenographer, (Miss Worrell)  900 00 
Clerk and Messenger,  360 00 
Janitor,  96 00  10,668 50 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Advertising,  3,000 00 
Alumni Bulletin,  1,500 00 
Alumni Bulletin, Editor, W. M. Hunley,  250 00 
Catalogue, printing and mailing,  1,850 00 
Stationery & Office Supplies,  500 00 
Stamps, Stamped Envelopes, etc.,  650 00 
Telephones & Telegraphing,  100 00 
Printing, all departments,  700 00 
Travelling Expenses,  550 00 
Finals Expenses,  500 00 
Entertainment Fund,  750 00 
Miscellaneous general expense,  2,000 00  12,350 00 
II. Business Administration: 
(a) Salaries: 
Bursar, E. I. Carruthers,  2,100 00 
Assistant, Chas. H. H. Thomas,  1,000 00 
Assistant, Miss Moran,  480 00 
Legal Counsel, John B. Moon,  1,000 00 
Secretary to Board,  100 00 
Secretary to Alumni Board,  100 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Interest on Debt,  8,023 33 
Interest on James Estate Loan,  1,475 00 
Sinking Fund, annual payment,  2,000 00 
Total for Business Administration:  16,278 33 
III. College and Graduate Departments: 
1. Latin: 
Professor, Thomas Fitz-Hugh, (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Adjunct Prof., James S. McLemore,  1,000 00 
Instructor,  400 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Lantern Slides,  50 00  5,350 00 
2. Greek: 
Professor, Robert H. Webb,  2,750 00 
Adj. Prof. James S. McLemore,  500 00  3,250 00 
3. Edgar Allan Poe School of English: 
Professor, C. Alphonson Smith, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Instructor,  250 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00  3,750 00 
4. English Literature: 
Professor, Charles W. Kent, (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Adj. Prof. Charles W. Paul,  1,200 00 
Adj. Prof.,  1,200 00 
Instructor,  200 00 
Instructor,  200 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00 
Special for books,  48 00  6,648 00 
5. Romance Languages: 
Professor, Richard H. Wilson,  3,600 00 
Adjunct Prof., James C. Bardin,  1,000 00 
Instructor,  700 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00  5,500 00 
6. Mathematics: 
Professor, James M. Page (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Professor, W. H. Echols,  3,600 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor, (Mason)5  300 00 
Instructor,  250 00  8,650 00 
7. Astronomy: 
Professor, S. A. Mitchell, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Adj. Prof., C. P. Olivier,  450 00 
Vanderbilt Fellowships: 
(a)  350 00 
(b)  350 00 
(c)  350 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  400 00  5,200 00 
Forward:  38,348 00 
Brought Forward:  38,348 00 
8. Physics: 
Associate Professor, L. G. Hoxton,  2,250 00 
Adjunct Professor, C. M. Sparrow,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  350 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  1,000 00 
Wm. B. Rogers Bequest, (for books etc.)  60 00 
Janitor service,  200 00  5,660 00 
9. Chemistry: 
Professor, F. P. Dunnington,  3,600 00 
Professor, R. M. Bird,  2,750 00 
Asso. Prof., Graham Edgar,  2,000 00 
Instructor, S. H. Diggs,  1,200 00 
Instructor,  600 00 
Instructor,  600 00 
Instructor,  400 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Laboratory appropriation, all departments,  850 00 
Janitor Service, 3 laboratories,  655 00  12,955 00 
10. Biology: 
Professor,  x x x x 
Associate Professor, Wm. A. Kepner,  2,000 00 
Instructor (in Botany)  1,500 00 
Instructor (in Zoology)  500 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  400 00 
Care of Zoological specimens,  50 00  4,450 00 
11. Geology: 
Professor, Thomas L. Watson,  2,200 00 
Associate Professor, J. S. Grasty,  2,000 00 
Instructor, Justus H. Cline,  1,000 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  350 00 
Collections, etc., (spl.)  100 00 
Janitor service,  240 00  5,890 00 
12. History: 
Professor, Richard H. Dabney,  3,600 00 
Instructor, Richard Lee Morton,  300 00 
Rives Fellowship, Thomas Stuart Luck,  250 00  4,150 00 
13. Economics: 
Professor, Thomas W. Page,  3,300 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. M. Hunley,  1,250 00 
Assistant,  300 00 
Assistant,  250 00  5,100 00 
Forward:  76,553 00 
Brought Forward:  76,553 00 
14. Philosophy: 
Professor, Albert Lefevre,  3,600 00 
Adj. Prof. Albert G. A. Balz,  1,200 00 
Assistant,  250 00 
Assistant,  250 00 
Assistant,  250 00  5,550 00 
15. Education: 
Professor, W. H. Heck,  3,025 00 
Professor, C. G. Maphis,  2,500 00 
Professor,  3,000 00 
Travelling Expenses, Secondary education,  500 00 
Janitor, Education Building,  300 00  9,325 00 
16. Biblical History and Literature. 
Professor, W. M. Forrest,  2,400 00  2,400 00 
17. Germanic Languages: 
Professor, W. H. Faulkner,  2,500 00 
Assistant,  400 00  2,900 00 
18. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, James M. Page,  350 00 
Dean, R. Heath Dabney,  200 00 
Janitor, Cabell Hall, (10 mos.@$25.)  250 00  800 00 
Total for College and Graduate Departments.  97,528 00 
VI. Law Department: 
(a) Salaries: 
Professor (& Dean), W. M. Lile, (incl. rent)  3,800 00 
Professor, C. A. Graves, (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Professor, R. C. Minor, (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Professor, A. M. Dobie,  2,750 00 
Adj. Prof., Geo. B. Eager, Jr.  1,900 00 
Instructor,  750 00 
Instructor,  750 00 
Assistant, Instructor,  375 00 
Librarian, Miss Lipop (660.00)  600 00 
Assistant Librarian,  250 00 
Inst. in Pub. Speaking & Parl. Law, (Paul)  600 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Library appropriation,  1,500 00 
Janitor service, (9 mos.@$30.00)  270 00 
Total for Law Department.  20,745 00 
Brought Forward: 
V. Medical Department: 
1. Anatomy: 
Professor, R. H. Whitehead,  3,600 00 
Instructor, F. B. Reeves,  800 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  850 00 
Janitor Service, Dissecting Hall,  300 00  5,550 00 
2. Histology & Embryology: 
Professor, H. E. Jordan,  3,000 00 
Assistant,  100 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  350 00  3,450 00 
3. Physiology: 
Professor, Theodore Hough,  3,300 00 
Assistant,  300 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  450 00 
Janitor service & shopwork,  360 00  4,410 00 
4. Bacteriology & Pathology: 
Professor, H. T. Marshall,  3,300 00 
Assistant, (4 mon.)  355 52 
Technician, Miss Thornton,  550 00 
Assistant,  100 00 
Assistant,  100 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  750 00 
Special repairs, jars, etc.,  250 00 
Janitor service, Medical Hall,  300 00  5,705 52 
5. Pharmacology, M teria Medica, etc., 
Adjunct Professor, J. Alex. Waddell,  1,900 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  500 00 
Animal House, (see Miscellaneous section
Med. Dept.) 
x x x 
Janitor Service,  250 00  2,950 00 
6. Clinical Medicine: 
Professor, J. C. Flippin,  2,500 00 
Instructor in out-patient work, (R.W. Garnett)  1,200 00 
Instructor and Assistant University Physician,
P.E. Duggins, 
1,000 00 
Laboratory appropriation,  400 00  5,100 00 
7. Practice of Medicine: 
Professor, John Staige Davis,  3,600 00 
Forward:  30,765 52 
Brought Forward:  30,765 52 
8. Surgery & Gynecology: 
Professor, S. H. Watts,  3,300 00 
Adjunct Prof., W. H. Goodwin,  1,500 00 
Assistant in Surgery, John H. Neff,  400 00  5,200 00 
9. Obstetrics. 
Professor, W. D. Macon,  1,000 00  1,000 00 
10. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat: 
Professor, H. S. Hedges,  250 00 
Professor, R. F. Compton,  250 00  500 00 
11. Hygiene: 
Professor, W. A. Lambeth, (incl. rent)  250 00 
2,750 00  3,000 00 
12. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, R. H. Whitehead,  250 00 
Hospital,  22,500 00 
Dispensary,  500 00 
Dispensary, Pharmacist,  100 00 
Janitor service, (Dispensary)  150 00 
Animal House, (maintenance)  125 00  23,625 00 
Total for Medical Department:  64,090 52 
VI. Engineering Department: 
(a) Salaries: 
Professor, W. M. Thornton, (incl. rent)  3,600 00 
Dean, W. M. Thornton,  200 00 
Associate Prof., J. L. Newcomb,  2,500 00 
Associate Prof., Chas. Hancock,  2,250 00 
Associate Prof., W. S. Rodamn,  1,750 00 
Instructor, J. S. Lapham,  600 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  400 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  400 00 
Assistant, (C.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (C.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  250 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  200 00 
Tool keeper,  100 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Appropriation, Mechanical Laboratory,  700 00 
Janitor Mechanical Laboratory,  300 00 
Total for Engineering Department:  14,050 00 
Brought Forward: 
VII. General Library: 
(a) Salaries. 
Librarian, John S. Patton,  2,000 00 
Assistant, M. L. Dinwiddie,  750 00 
Assistant, L. E. Dinwiddie,  400 00 
Assistant,  300 00 
Stenographer,  200 00 
(b) Miscellaneous. 
Income from Endowment Funds,  5,248 00 
Janitor service,  300 00 
Total for General Library:  9,198 00 
VIII. Gymnasium: 
Associate Director, H. H. Lannigan,  300 00 
Instructor in Phys. Cult., A. G. Nochren,  350 00 
Assistant,  120 00 
Assistant,  70 00 
Equipment, heat & light,  450 00 
Janitor Service,  225 00  1,515 00 
IX. Buildings & Grounds: 
(a) Salaries: & Wages: 
Superintendent, W. A. Lambeth,  750 00 
Foreman & Chief Mechanic, H. F. Leake,  626 00 
Carpenter,  626 00 
Plumber,  626 00 
Helper,  313 00 
Electrician,  690 00 
Engineer, (lighting plant)  660 00 
Engineer, (heating plant)  480 00 
Fireman, (heating plant)  250 00 
Fireman, (lighting plant) (2)  600 00 
Fireman, (special heating stations)  280 00 
Night Police & Watchman, (Durrett)  430 00 
Foreman on Grounds, (Dudley)  540 00 
12 Laborers on Grounds,  3,744 00 
Janitor, Randall Building,  135 00 
Janitor, Alumni Hall,  36 00 
10 Janitors, (Studen'ts Dormitories)  1,300 00 
Head Janitor,  600 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Repairs & Improvements,  9,000 00 
Repairs (spl.) State Appropriation, (bal.)  8,000 00 
Fuel for Heat & Light,  7,000 00 
Supplies, electrical,  1,000 00 
Water, Gas and General Expense,  500 00 
Total for Buildings and Grounds:  38,186 00 
Brought Forward: 
X. Scholarships, Fellowships & Prizes: 
Miller,  750 00 
Thompson Brown,  90 00 
Valentine Birely,  250 00 
H. C. Cabell,  66 00 
State High Schools,  10  100 00 
Isaac Cary,  550 00 
Phelps-Stokes Fellowships,  500 00 
Merrick,  100 00 
Bennett W. Green,  1,200 00 
Skinner,  1,900 00 
Herndon,  850 00 
Folkes,  1,200 00 
Thomas F. Ryan,  10  3,000 00 
William Jennings Bryan Medal Fund,  800 00 
Charles Minor Blackford Prize,  50 00 
10,614 00 






XI. Miscellaneous: 
Summer School  1,500 00 
Charlottesville Fire Department  200 00 
Insurance and Renewals,  900 00 
Dining Hall, Salary of Chairman,  250 00 
Madison Hall, (Fuel & Light)  400 00 
Colonnade Club, (Fuel & Light)  100 00 
Debater's Medal,  50 00 
Stenographer to Deans & Supt. (Miss Proffitt)  660 00 
Organist, Chapel Organist & Organ Repairs,  400 00 
Barbour-Page Lecture Fund,  1,100 00 
Phelps-Stokes Lecture Fund,  500 00 
Retiring Allowance, Henry Martin  300 00 
Retiring Allowance, Humphrey Shelton,  216 00 
Student's Loan Fund,  800 00 
Care Cary Section, Shockoe Cemetery,  30 00 
Monticello Graveyard Association,  50 00 
Sanitary Inspector,  100 00 
High School Debater's League,  400 00 
Carnegie Fund for Retirement of Teachers,  12,579 72 
Total Miscellaneous:  $20,535 72 
XII. Temporary General Appropriations: 
Alumni Register,  1,000 00 
School Hygiene Campaign,  300 00 
Dean's Assistant for Summer,  150 00 
Law Journal,   500 00 
Sewage Disposal Plant,  750 00 
Total Temporary:  9,450 00 
Total Estimated Expenditures;  325,209 07 
Total Estimated Income,  329,132 56 
I. General Administration,  23,018 50 
II. Business Administration,  16,278 33 
III. College and Graduate Departments,  97,528 00 
IV. Law Department,  20,745 00 
V. Medical Department,  64,090 52 
VI. Engineering Department,  14,050 00 
VII. General Library,  9,198 00 
VIII. Gymnasium,  1,515 00 
IX. Buildings and Grounds,  38,186 00 
X. Scholarships, Fellowships, etc.,  10,614 00 
XI. Miscellaneous,  20,535 72 
XII. Temporary General,  9,450 00  325,209 07 
Excess of Estimated Income over Expenditures,  3,923 49 

(Minutes continued on Page 470)