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Financial Budget—University of Virginia—1912-1913 Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.


Financial BudgetUniversity of Virginia1912-1913
Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.











































From Grants by State: 
Annuity,  $80,000 00 
Students' Loan,  800 00 
Hospital, (special)  18,000 00  98,800 00 
From Endowments: 
From Alumni Board of Trustees for General Purposes,  $41,400 00 
for Curry Fund,  4,950 64 
for Barbour-Page Fund,  1,100 00 
for Fuller, Fund,  500 00 
for Rives Fund,  250 00 
for Cary Fund,  550 00  48,750 64 
Corcoran Fund, (W. W. Corcoran Donation)  6,000 00 
Miller Fund, (Samuel Miller Bequest)  6,000 00 
Kent Fund, (Linden Kent Chair of Eng. Lit.)  3,048 00 
Vanderbilt Fund, (Observatory Fund)  4,100 00 
Cary Fund, (Bible Lectureship Fund)  2,300 00 
Library Fund, (4 Funds)  1,198 00 
J. W. Scott Fund, (Engineering Dep't.)  200 00 
Rogers Fund, (Physical Dep't.)  60 00 
Mason Fund, (Fellowship)  210 00 
Phelps-Stokes Fund, (Fellowship)  360 00 
Birely Fund, (Scholarship)  260 00 
Merrick Fund, (Scholarship)  100 00 
Brown Fund, (Scholarship)  87 00 
Cabell Fund, (Scholarship)  60 00 
Bryan Fund, (Medal)  7 50  23,990 50 
From Bequests and Donations: 
Austin Estate,  10,000 00 
James Estate,  5,324 11 
General Education Board,  3,000 00 
Adkins Donation,  3 00  18,327 11 
From Students: 
For Fees, Tuition, & Rents, est. 800 at $90.00  72,000 00 
On deferred payments, Time Notes & Accounts,  1,500 00  73,500 00 
From All Other Sources: 
Rents, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, etc.,  6,800 00 
Total Estimated Resources,—  270,168 25 
Detailed Expenditures. 
I. General Administrations: 
(a) Salaries: 
Edwin A. Alderman, President,  $8,000 00 
Howard Winston, Registrar,  1,000 00 
Stenographer & Sec'y., Executive Offices,  900 00 
Clerk and Messenger, Executive Offices,  530 00 
Janitor, Executive Offices,  96 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Advertising,  2,500 00 
Alumni Bulletin,  1,000 00 
Annual Catalogue,  1,500 00 
Contingent Fund,  3,500 00 
Commencement Fund,  300 00 
Entertainment Fund,  750 00 
Diplomas,  200 00 
Printing and Publication,  x x x  20,276 00 
II. Business Administration: 
(a) Salaries: 
Bursar, I. K. Moran, (incl. rent)  1,950 00 
Assistant, (spl.).......... July 1—Oct. 1.)  450 00 
Bookkeeper, C. H. H. Thomas,  850 00 
Stenographer, V. E. Moran,  250 00 
Legal Counsel, John B. Moon,  1,000 00 
Secretary, Board of Visitors,  100 00 
Secretary, Alumni Board,  100 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Interest on Debt,  8,000 00 
Sinking Fund,  2,000 00 
State Students' Loan Fund,  800 00  15,500 00 
III. College and Graduate Departments. 
1. Latin: 
Professor, Thomas Fitz-Hugh (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Adjunct Professor, James S. McLenore,  850 00 
Instructor,  400 00 
Instructor,  300 00  4,850 00 
2. Greek: 
Professor, M. W. Humphreys, (2 1/2 mos.)  687 50 
Professor, - - - - - - - - - - 9 1/2 mos. at $2750.  2,177 00 
Adjunct Professor, James S. McLemore  400 00  3,264 50 
Forward  8,114 50 
Brought Forward  8,114 50 
3. Edgar Allan Poe School of English: 
Professor, C. Alphonso Smith, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Instructor,  50 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00  3,550 00 
4. English Literature: 
Professor, Charles W. Kent, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Adjunct Professor, Charles W. Paul,  1,200 00 
Adjunct Professor, Weldon T. Myers,  1,000 00 
Assistant,  200 00 
Assistant,  200 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00 
Special for Books, &c.  48 00  6,148 00 
5. Romance Languages: 
Professor, Richard H. Wilson,  3,300 00 
Instructor, H. P.  700 00 
Instructor,  700 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00  4,900 00 
6. Mathematics: 
Professor, James Morris Page,  3,300 00 
Professor, W. H. Echols, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  390 00 
Instructor, (Mason Fellowship)  210 00 
Instructor,  250 00  8,050 00 
7. Astronomy: 
Professor, Ormond Stone, 2 1/2 mos. (incl. rent)  687 50 
Professor, 9 1/2 mos.  2,612 50 
Vanderbilt Fellowships: 
(a)  350 00 
(b)  350 00 
(c)  350 00 
Observatory Appropriation,  405 00  4,755 00 
8. Physics: 
Associate Professor, L. G. Hoxton,  2,250 00 
Adjunct Professor, C. M. Sparrow,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  900 00 
Wm. B. Rogers' Bequest, (for books, &c.)  60 00 
Janitor Service,  200 00  5,510 00 
Forward  41,027 50 
Brought Forward  41,027 50 
9. Chemistry: 
Professor, F. P. Dunnington,  3,300 00 
Professor, R. M. Bird,  2,500 00 
Associate Professor, Graham Edgar,  1,950 00 
Instructor, J. G. Dinwiddie,  750 00 
Instructor,  500 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Instructor,  250 00 
Instructor,  250 00 
Instructor,  325 00 
Assistant,  60 00 
Assistant,  60 00 
Assistant, (Prof. Edgar)  150 00 
Laboratory Appropriation, all Departments,  850 00 
Janitor Service, 3 laboratories,  630 00  11,875 00 
10. Biology: 
Professor, A. H. Tuttle, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. A. Kepner,  1,600 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  400 00  5,300 00 
11. Geology: 
Professor, Thomas L. Watson,  2,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, J. S. Grasty,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  450 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  350 00 
Janitor Service,  225 00  4,525 00 
12. History: 
Professor, R. H. Dabney,  3,300 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Rives Fellowship,  200 00  3,800 00 
13. Economics: 
Professor, F. W. Page,  3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor Polit. Sc., W. M. Hunley,  1,250 00 
Assistant,  300 00  4,550 00 
14. Philosophy: 
Professor, Albert Lefevre,  3,300 00 
Assistant,  250 00 
Assistant,  250 00 
Assistant,  250 00  4,050 00 
Forward  75,127 50 
Brought Forward  75,127 50 
15. Education: 
Professor, W. H. Heck, 2 1/2 mos. at $1250.00  260 40 
Professor, W. H. Heck, 9 1/2 mos. at 2750.00  2,177 00 
Professor, C. G. Maphis,  2,500 00 
Professor,  3,000 00 
Travelling Expenses, Secondary Education,  500 00  8,437 40 
16. Biblical History and Literature: 
Professor, W. M. Forrest,  2,300 00  2,300 00 
17. Germanic Languages: 
Associate Professor, W. H. Faulkner,  2,500 00 
Assistant, (spl.)  150 00  2,650 00 
18. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, James M. Page,  350 00 
Scholarships and Fellowships: 
(a) Miller,  250 00 
(b) Miller,  250 00 
(c) Miller,  250 00 
(d) Thompson Brown,  87 00 
(e) Valentine Birely,  260 00 
(f) H. C. Cabell,  60 00 
(g) State High Schools,  100 00 
(h) Phelps-Stokes Fellowship,  360 00 
(i) Isaac Cary Scholarship,  550 00 
Bryan Medal Fund,  7 50 
Janitor Service, Cabell Hall,  180 00  2,704 50 
Total for C. & G. Dept's.,  91,219 40 
IV. Law Department: 
(a) Salaries: 
Professor, W. M. Lile, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Professor, C. A. Graves, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Professor, R. C. Minor, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Professor, A. M. Dobie,  2,750 00 
Adjunct Professor, G. B. Eager,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  750 00 
Instructor,  750 00 
Assistant,  375 00 
Law Librarian,  500 00 
Assistant Law Librarian,  250 00 
Instructor in Pub. Speaking & Parl. Law,  300 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Library Appropriation,  1,500 00 
Janitor Service,  270 00  18,845 00 
Brought Forward 
V. Medical Department: 
1. Anatomy: 
Professor, R. H. Whitehead,  3,300 00 
Instructor,  500 00 
Anatomical Laboratory Appropriation,  750 00 
Janitor Service, Dissecting Hall,  300 00  4,850 00 
2. Histology & Embryology: 
Professor, H. E. Jordan,  2,750 00 
Assistant,  50 00 
Assistant,  50 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  350 00  3,200 00 
3. Physiology: 
Professor, Theodore Hough,  3,000 00 
Assistant,  300 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  450 00 
Janitor Service,  250 00  4,000 00 
4. Bacteriology & Pathology: 
Professor, H. T. Marshall,  3,000 00 
Instructor,  800 00 
Assistant,  120 00 
Assistant,  100 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  600 00 
Janitor Service, Medical Hall,  275 00  4,895 00 
5. Pharmacology, Materia Medica, &c.: 
Adjunct Professor, J. Alex. Waddell,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  300 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  500 00 
Janitor Service,  250 00  2,550 00 
6. Clinical Medicine: 
Professor, J. C. Flippin,  2,500 00 
Instructor,  1,000 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  250 00  3,750 00 
7. Practice of Medicine: 
Professor, J. S. Davis,  3,300 00 
8. Surgery and Gynecology: 
Professor, S. H. Watts,  3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. H. Goodwin,  1,400 00 
Assistant, (in Surgery)  200 00  4,600 00 
9. Obstetrics: 
Professor, W. D. Macon,  1,000 00 
Forward  32,145 00 
Brought Forward  32,145 00 
10. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat: 
Professor, H. S. Hedges,  250 00 
Professor, R. F. Compton,  250 00  500 00 
11. Hygiene: 
Professor, W. A. Lambeth, (incl. rent)  2,750 00 
12. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, R. H. Whitehead,  250 00 
Hospital,  15,000 00 
Dispensary,  300 00 
Dispensary Pharmacist,  100 00 
Janitor Service, Dispensary,  150 00 
Maintenance, Animal House,  75 00  15,875 00 
Total Medical Department:  51,270 00 
VI. Engineering Department: 
(a) Salaries: 
Professor, W. M. Thornton, (incl. rent)  3,300 00 
Associate Professor, J. L. Newcomb,  2,500 00 
Associate Professor, Charles Hancock,  2,250 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. S. Rodman,  1,500 00 
Instructor,  900 00 
Assistant, (C.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (C.E.)  200 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  250 00 
Assistant, (M.E.)  200 00 
Assistant,  200 00 
Assistant,  250 00 
Merrick Scholarship,  100 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Appropriation, Mechanical Laboratory,  500 00 
Appropriation (spl.) Mechanical Laboratory, (lathes)  175 00 
Janitor, Mechanical Laboratory,  300 00 
Total for Engineering Dep't.  $12,825 00 
VII. Summer School: 
General Appropriation,  1,500 00 
VIII. General Library: 
(a) Salaries: 
Librarian, John S. Patton,  1,600 00 
Assistant Librarian, M. L. Dinwiddie,  500 00 
Assistant Librarian,  300 00 
Assistant Librarian, (spl.)  250 00 
Forward  $2,650 00 
Brought Forward  2,650 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
General Appropriation,  2,250 00 
Income, from Endowment Funds,  1,198 00 
Janitor Service,  300 00  6,398 00 
IX. Buildings and Grounds: 
(a) Salaries and Wages: 
Superintendent, W. A. Lambeth,  750 00 
Landscape Designer, W. H. Manning,  250 00 
Foreman and Chief Mechanic,  1,000 00 
Electrician, B. F. Kirby,  700 00 
Plumber, Hugh Ford,  660 00 
Engineer, (lighting plant) J. Golding,  660 00 
Engineer, (heating plant) H. M. Lee,  280 00 
Fireman, (heating plant)  210 00 
Fireman, (lighting plant)  300 00 
Fireman, (special heating stations)  280 00 
Night Police & Watchman, R. W. Durrett,  420 00 
Foreman on Grounds, L. W. Dudley,  540 00 
8 Laborers on Grounds,  2,496 00 
Janitor, Randall Building,  135 00 
Janitor, Alumni Hall,  36 00 
10 Janitors, Student Dormitories,  1,300 00 
(b) Miscellaneous: 
Repairs,  5,000 00 
Improvements,  4,000 00 
Reservoir and Water Line,  180 00 
Insurance and Renewals,  1,200 00 
Fuel—Heat and Light,  6,000 00 
Supplies—Electrical,  500 00 
Charlottesville Fire Department,  200 00 
Gas, special lighting-  400 00 
Total for Building & Grounds,  $27,497 00 
X. Gymnasium: 
(a) Salaries: 
Associate Director, H. H. Lannigan,  300 00 
Instructor, Phys. Culture,  200 00 
Assistant, Phys. Culture,  130 00 
Assistant, Phys. Culture,  100 00 
(b) Equipment, heat & light,  450 00 
Janitor Service,  225 00  1,405 00 
Brought Forward 
XI. Miscellaneous: 
Dining Hall, Salary Chairman of Committee,  250 00 
Madison Hall, (Maintenance)  200 00 
Debating and Oratorical Union,  x x x 
Debater's Medal,  50 00 
Stenographer to Deans & Superintendent,  550 00 
Organist and Organ Repairs,  300 00 
Barbour-Page Lecture Fund,  1,100 00 
Retiring Allowance, Henry Martin,  300 00 
Retiring Allowance, Humphrey Shelton,  216 00 
Philosophical Soceity,  1,000 00 
Care of Cary Section, Shockoe Hill Cemetery,  30 00 
James Estate, (Int. on Loan $29,500.00 at
5 percent) 
1,475 00  5,471 00 
XII. Temporary General Appropriations: 
1. Dawson's Row Improvements,  3,000 00 
2. Main Roadway Improvements,  2,000 00 
3. Geological Laboratory Equipment,  900 00 
4. Mechanical Laboratory Equipment,  2,000 00 
5. Bridge over Rugby Road,  350 00 
6. Rugby Read Improvement,  300 00 
7. Infirmary Building, Improvement, etc.,  1,000 00 
8. Alumni Register,  1,000 00 
9. John W. Daniel, portrait,  150 00 
10. Dining Hall, (estimated deficit)  2,000 00 
11. Seats for North Plaza,  150 00 
12. Confederate Veteran Reunion Expenses,  400 00 
13. Sewage Purification Plant,  1,500 00  14,750 00 
Condensed Statement of Resources and 
Expenditures embraced in foregoing Financial Budget. 
——Resources——  $270,168 25 
I. For General Administration,  20,276 00 
II. For Business Administration,  15,500 00 
III. For College and Graduate Departments,  91,219 40 
IV. For Law Department,  18,845 00 
V. For Medical Department,  51,270 00 
VI. For Engineering Department,  12,825 00 
VII. For Summer School Department,  1,500 00 
VIII. For General Library, Department,  6,398 00 
IX. For Buildings and Grounds Department,  27,497 00 
X. For Gymnasium Grounds  1,405 00 
XI. For Miscellaneous,  5,471 00 
XII. For Temporary General Appropriations,  14,750 00  266,956 40 
Balance Estimated Surplus,  3,211 85 
Balance Estimated Surplus brought forward  3,211 85 
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of 
Teaching, Estimated Receipts from Treasurer, monthly  13,520 76  16,732 61 
XIII. Retiring Awards, as follows: 
To Dr. J. W. Mallet,  2,500 00 
To Prof. Francis H. Smith,  2,595 00 
To Prof. William M. Fontaine,  2,050 00 
To Prof. Ormond Stone, at $2050. (from Sept.
1,622 88 
To Prof. Milton W. Humphreys, at 2050
(from Sept. 15th.) 
1,622 88 
To Isaac K. Moran, at $1460.00 (from Oct. 1st,
1,095 00 
To Mrs. E. C. H. Davis,  1,000 00 
To Mrs. E. L. Harrison,  1,033 00  13,520 76 
Balance estimated Surplus,  3,211 85 

On motion, the Board adjourned to meet in annual session, on Tuesday,
June 11th, 1912.

I. K. Moran,
Armistead C. Gordon,