University of Virginia Library


At a called meeting of the Board of Visitors held at
the City of Richmond, this 24th day of January 1912.

Present: Messrs. Harmon, Irvine, Drewry, Shackelford
and White.

In the absence of the Rector, Mr. White was made Chairman
and Mr. Harmon, Secretary.

The Board having been called to order, the Bill now pending
before the General Assembly, entitled, "A Bill to Establish a
Co-ordinate State College for Women," was submitted for discussion,
whereupon after discussion, Mr. White offered the following; viz.-

Resolved: That the bill entitled, "A Bill to Establish a
Co-ordinate State College for Women," now pending before
the General Assembly of Virginia, and which has been brought
before this Board somewhat suddenly, is a matter of such
gravity as to call for the most serious consideration of the
Board, and, in order that such consideration may be given
to the matter, it is the sense of the Board that the General
Assembly be requested to postpone a consideration of the Bill,
until this Board can have an opportunity to form a correct
judgment of the measure, as it affects the best interests of
the University and of the people of the State.

—And Mr. Harmon offered the following:—

Resolved: That it is the sense of the Board of Visitors


of the University of Virginia that a co-ordinate college for
women should be established at or near the University of
Virginia, under the control of the Rector and Visitors of
the University, but without co-education of the sexes in any
of the courses, except the courses leading to the "Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy." Further, it is the opinion of the
Board that the bill now before the General Assembly does not
conform to these principles.

Whereupon, Mr. Irvine offered as amendment to Mr. Harmon's
resolution, the following: viz.—

—And, in view of the inability of the State financially
to appropriate funds for this purpose at the present time;
and, in further view of the fact that there is apparent
division and misunderstanding on the subject among the alumni
of the University, whose loyal and united support is so essential
to its continued prosperity and advancement, it is further

Resolved: That we request that the said bill be passed
by and no action be taken thereon by the General Assembly at
its present session.

Thereupon, a vote was taken upon the resolution of Mr.
White; and it was defeated by a vote of three to two; Messrs.
White and Irvine voting in the affirmative, and Messrs. Drewry,
Harmon, and Shackelford voting in the negative.

Thereupon, a vote was taken on the amendment to Mr. Harmon's


resolution offered by Mr. Irvine, and the same was adopted by
a vote of four to one; Mr. Harmon voting in the negative.

Whereupon, a vote was taken on the resolution offered
by Mr. Harmon, as amended; and the same was adopted by a vote
of three to two. Messrs. Harmon and White voting in the negative.

On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Secretary, protem.

Wm. H. White